Thursday, May 26, 2011

Individual Rhubarb Pudding Cakes

Are you as excited as I am when your local farmers' market opens in the Spring?  On opening day I make a beeline for my friend's booth where I will find heaping baskets of gorgeous crimson rhubarb stalks and baskets of the first strawberries of the season.  I have strawberry rhubarb pie on the brain and can't wait to get home to roll out the pie crust and assemble this luscious pie. My friend Ann, at Thibeault's Table, make the best rhubarb pie, and you can check out the recipe and visit her wonderful blog by clicking this link. Ann has several great rhubarb recipes plus the best pie crust you will ever taste so  be sure to stop by for a visit.  When you prepare rhubarb use the stalks only.  The sometimes gigantic leaves of this plant are poisonous.


Rhubarb season is short but you can enjoy this delicious fruit (actually it is a vegetable) year around because it  freezes so well.  It can be prepared either in a dry pack or in a sweetened fruit syrup, using either sugar or artificial sweetener like Splenda. The added sugar helps retain color and shape and it improves the rhubarb's flavor.  You will find excellent freezing directions here if you want to stash some of this delicious  fruit vegetable so you can enjoy it through the long winter months when fresh Spring fruits are just a memory. I think freezing rhubarb in a light sugar syrup in vacuum sealed bags is the way to go and there are excellent instructions on how to do this at the above link.

If you like to give homemade gifts at the holiday now is the time to think about making rhubarb liqueur.  One of my long time market customers gave me this recipe for Danish Rhubarb Liqueur that has been passed down through her family and it has become a holiday tradition in my home too.  A little bottle of this is beautiful tucked into a gift basket for family and friends and is the perfect cordial to serve after a special holiday meal.

I have several excellent rhubarb recipes (check my sidebar for some of my favorites) that I use over and over (not much creativity going on here)  but when I found this recipe for individual rhubarb pudding cakes at Eggs on Sunday  I was pretty excited about it because it reminded me of a recipe my Grandmother used to make every Spring. What is it about individual servings that is so appealing?  Is it that we think somebody made something especially for us, that what is on our plate is for us and nobody else? What I do know is that everybody loves them.  My Grandma's cakes were a little more custardy, but these cakes have a wonderful texture and soak up the syrupy rhubarb liquid perfectly. I like them best warm out of the oven so if you plan for them to be done baking about half and hour before dinner is served your timing should be just right.

Individual Rhubarb Pudding Cakes
Printable Recipe

1/4 cup water
1-1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 cup sugar, divided
3 cups fresh chopped rhubarb stalks
1 cup all purpose flour
1-3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F with the rack in the middle.  Butter 4 individual 1-cup ramekins (or an 8 inch square baking dish).

Mix together the water, cornstarch, and 1/2 cup sugar in a small saucepan, then add the 3 cups rhubarb.  Bring to a simmer, stirring constantly, and simmer for 4-5 minutes.  Remove from heat.

In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt and remaining 1/2 cup sugar.

In another bowl whisk together the egg, milk, melted butter and vanilla.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk just until combined - you will have a thick batter.

Reserve 1/2 cup of the rhubarb syrup mixture.  Divide the remaining rhubarb mixture among the dishes, then spoon the batter evenly into each ramekin over the rhubarb.  Drizzle the remaining rhubarb mixture over the top of the batter in each ramekin.  Bake (I usually put my ramekins on a small sheet pan) until a tester inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean, about 20-25 minutes.

Cool slightly on a rack before serving.   I topped my cakes with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  I have a sad weakness for vanilla soft serve ice cream from Dairy Queen so that's what I used as a topper.  The melting ice cream mixed with the rhubarb syrup and the result was....heaven in a bowl.

It's Foodie Friday again.  I hope you will visit Michael Lee at Designs by Gollum.


  1. You have me with that last picture...oh dear, how lovely.

  2. Your rhubarb pudding cakes look so good, Cathy, I would love to try them, the only time I had rhubarb it was so tart, but now I am tempted again. Fantastic.

  3. WOW..... this pudding cakes are it's quite impossible to find rhubarb!!! SIGH!! Hugs, Flavia

  4. These look great Cathy! For many years I had rhubarb fresh from my own garden. I'll have to check the local Farmer's Market and get some soon. We mixed rhubarb and saskatoon berries in pies and crisps; delicious!

  5. Your pudding cakes look fabulous. Love the freezer tips.

  6. This looks so good I think I can almost taste it! I've been 'in the mood' for rhubarb but will have to wait a bit to try this recipe. I just had shoulder surgery and don't think I'd better try baking yet. Maybe I can get someone to make it for me!!

  7. All great links Cathy! Love the idea of freezing wet items with the bag not sealed then being able to use the food saver after it freezes! Your little cakes look so cute! (I think that's why individual portions are so appealing:@)

  8. These are beautiful Cathy. Don't tell anyone, but I've never tried rhubarb. Looks like I need to do something about that once and for all.

  9. Cathy, this does look lke heaven in a bowl. I wish I could track down some rhubarb -- none in the store and no Farmer's Market nearby. This is Joni from Red Couch Recipes -- for some reason I can't sign in as normal (Blogger issues).

  10. This is printing out! We love rhubarb and I always treasure a new way to serve it. It should be available within the next week--when our farmer's market opens the first Saturday in June. I'm so excited!!


  11. Your pudding looks gorgeous and I like the individual servings!

  12. Thanks for all the great rhubarb tips, links, etc. and this scrumptious pudding cake. I'll make it for Memorial Day.

  13. Oh, delicious! They look amazing.

  14. Thank you..the photos are so appetizing!My husband will love this.I just made rhubarb and rosemary marmalade/jam..tis the season here right now..Pies..etc..Great timing for this..

  15. I've never made anything with rhubarb... I need to change that! The pudding cakes look beautiful and delicious.

  16. Those freezing tips will come in handy.
    I got tired of searching the markets for rhubarb, so I planted it in my garden. I love your little cakes its automatic portion control for my son who can't pass up anything rhubarb.

  17. Bonjour Cathy,
    These looks delicious, I am definitely going to find some rhubarb at the market. Thanks for all the tips.
    Thanks so much for dropping by with your kind words, you have no idea how much that means to me.
    Bon week-end,

  18. Timely post , Cathy! We have tons of rhubarb up here and I never thought of making a liquor. (count on me to hone in on the booze recipe). The little cakes are fabulous, too!

  19. How delicious they look! I do love rhubarb and have not idea why I don't have it growing in my garden. I need to fix that!

  20. Your photos are beautiful!

    I'd like to invite you to share this recipe on my weekly link-up, Sweet Tooth Friday.

  21. Might have to give these a try. I got a few stalks in my veggie box this week. I wasn't sure what I could do with them but I think this might work!

  22. I love the look of that last photo! It looks so enticing with the inside exposed! Delicious!

  23. Cathy, this sounds simply wonderful. Just bought a packet of fresh strawberry yesterday. Might be perfect for this. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you're having a great day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  24. I can't wait to get some rhubard and I will make this for sure; Love the idea of individuals; perfect.

  25. I will try this recipe over the weekend, thank you!
    BTW - the photo you have is Rhubarb Chard a variety of Swiss Chard, not Rhubarb... Rhubarb Chard is very edible.

  26. These look so good! I think I might just try these out this weekend :) Beautiful photos :)

  27. you will enjoy the ipad but must confess use my mac more :-) love these rhubarb puddings and the farmers market post


  28. i am drooling just thinking about it, what a delicious cake!

  29. Well, heck. You know I won't go anywhere near rhubarb. But these look mighty tasty!

  30. I'm mentally searching for my large ramekins - these little cakes look delicious!

  31. These little cakes look delicious. I am like Sam and have yet to venture into trying rhubarb. I guess its the poisonous leaves factor that keeps me from trying...Perhaps I can use peaches when they come in season.

  32. These are so attractive; anxious to get some rhubard; I will be making this for sure.

  33. These look delicious. Haven't seen rhubarb around here yet this year, but I'm bookmarking this recipe for when I do! Gorgeous, Cathy -

  34. Lovely! I am always eager to try a new way to prepare rhubarb.

  35. These look beautiful and perfect Kathy.

  36. Beautiful and delicious I'm sure! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  37. These look heavenly! I need to find some rhubarb ASAP! :)

  38. I baked a rhubarb recipe for the very first time last spring. It was instant love! These individual pudding cakes are so lovely..and the perfect portion!

    Hope the market is going well. It was sure a wet one today, wasn't it!

  39. I will have to go to a local Green Market to find some rhubarb, Cathy, as these look so good! The liqueur recipe on the link you provided sounds so intriguing!!

  40. Since I've moved down south I've not been able to find rhubarb except in the grocery store and I am SO bummed about that. I love strawberry rhubarb crisp and your recipe looks outstanding (as do the photos of the pie). thanks for sharing!

  41. Wow, these rhubarb pudding cakes look delicious and you've got me craving for one! I better go grab some before the season is over. And yes, I'm a big fan of farmer's market. ;) Thanks for sharing. I love your blog and certainly will be back.

    By the way, I'm hosting 2 Giveaways on my blog, please stop by to enter when you have a chance. One for $50 Thrive products and another one for baking molds and more. Have a wonderful weekend.


  42. As you can imagine, I copied this immediately. I do love rhubarb and now that it is growing in everyone's gardens, I am loving all the recipes!

  43. I've never cooked rhubarb before. I do like the way it tastes though, yum.

  44. Fantastic recipe for rhubarb...glorious dessert of breakfast treat :)

  45. Hi Cathy,
    I've only tried rhubarb once or twice, I wish it was a little more available here, your pudding cake sounds fantastic. I will have to keep my eyes open.

  46. So yummy and I love the individual servings.

  47. They look wonderful! I have never had rhubarb. I really must try it with the strawberries.
    Maybe I could add it to my very short list of "like" vegetables! :)

  48. These are beautiful! It's been a long time since I've had rhubarb, so I need to try this! :)

  49. What beautiful little cakes! Fruit desserts are my absolute favorites!

  50. Oh, these look so good! I'm interested in the liqueur recipe, too - that would make great little gifts for the holidays. It's a good thing we don't live closeby - I just know we'd make a run to DQ way too often :)


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy