Friday, May 20, 2011

Date Pinwheel Ice Box Cookies

This recipe for date cookies goes back to my earliest memories of my Mother's kitchen.  I can so clearly see her standing at the counter with a rolling pin in her hands, forming the logs that she wrapped in waxed paper and put into the refrigerator to chill. Yesterday I took a small plate of these cookies to my Mom when I visited her in her assisted living community, and when she saw these little date spirals her eyes lit up and she had a big smile because she recognized them too.  We shared a few long ago memories of days when we lived on a farm and she could see me from the kitchen window racing my horse as fast as I could go the full length of the pasture near the house.  I rode bareback in those days and it was a miracle I didn't kill myself.  It seems funny to both of us now.

So...I hope you enjoy these delicious cookies.  If you like dates you will love this recipe.  It's been a favorite in my family for over fifty years.  Often old recipes are the best because there are memories attached to them.

Date Pinwheel Ice Box Cookies
Printable Recipe

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 recipe Date Filling

Thoroughly cream together butter and sugars. Add egg and vanilla; beat well.  Sift together dry ingredients; stir into creamed mixture.  Chill.  Divide dough in half.

On a lightly floured surface roll one part in 12x 8 inch rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick. Trim edges of the dough. Spread half of the Date Filling over dough.  Begin at long edge, roll like a jelly roll.  Repeat with remaining dough.  Wrap rolls in plastic wrap and chill for several hours.  Slice 1/4 inch thick.  Bake on greased cookie sheet at 400 degrees for about 8 minutes.

Date Filling:
In saucepan combine 1 pound pitted, chopped dates, 1/2 half cup sugar, and 1/2 cup orange juice.  Cook and stir until mixture boils and thickens and becomes spreadable.  If it gets too thick add a more orange juice.  If you like nuts add 1/4 cup chopped walnuts or hazelnuts.

I'm linking my post today to Michael Lee's Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. Great story with the cookies and I can imagine how thrilled your mom must've been upon seeing them. I love these cookies but have never made them, now it's a must after having your recipe. Just wish I could grab one off the plate now...

  2. Truly a sweet memory! And I love the serving piece.


  3. Cathy,

    My mother made these. I have all the ingredients....mmmmmm.


  4. I'm glad your Mom was happy to see those cookies. Very sweet of you.

    They look pretty and I bet they tasted fantastic.

  5. Oh I remember those, they are so good!

  6. These look wonderful, Cathy, but the memory of your mother making them is even better. I love date bars but my husband doesn't. Maybe he'd like these!

  7. Oh yum like a shortbread rolled around dates..We love date bars..I put OJ in my filling has a dash of espresso:)

    Thanks..I will make these one day!
    I know..the things we did fearlessly at one point!
    I cringe now:)

  8. I have to make these. And I just happen to have dates too.

    Thanks Cathy.


  9. They look so pretty and delicious Cathy. I might just make it to the farmer's market tomorrow - hope to see you.

  10. These make such beautiful cookies. Date bars were my beloved Aunt Ionia's specialty -- we all love them. What a wonderful cookie memory. Joni

  11. Cathy, I so enjoyed your memory of your mom making these and then you taking her some. I can imagine how that just made her day! My mom loved dates and we had them in several desserts. These cookies sound yummy!

  12. Yum...dates are wonderful treats. Your cookies look great...loved the story, too.

  13. The cookies look great Cathy! How fun that you shared them with your Mom and they brought back so many fond memories:@)

  14. Such a sweet post, Cathy! Those cookies had to taste so good :) They fantastic.

  15. Great memories. I love dates!

  16. Mom, they look delicious! I think I have that rolling pin Gramma used to use =o) I bet she loved them!!!

  17. I totally agree that old recipes are the best. So much history!

    I'd like to invite you to share your recipe on Sweet Tooth Friday, my weekly recipe link-up. I hope to see you there.

  18. You got me....when you said your Mom's eyes lit up and she smiled..I got teary eyed. Beautiful memories you two shared. Will definitely make these cookies!

  19. Cathy, great to see you back to the kitchen for more bakings. And these cookies just so mouthwatering. Thanks for sharing another great recipe. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
    Blesings, Kristy

  20. oh YUM! everytime i see dates, i always want to buy some but never know what to do with them. now i do!

  21. Oh Cathy I love everything about these cookies, especially the story attached!I'm saving this recipe!

  22. OMG! I love dates! These cookies are gorgeous, Cathy. I loved hearing your memories of your mom and racing your horse. How I miss my own mare, that I had for 27 years. I do recall some crazy rides on her, when I was younger and more daring. Back to the cookies... I'm adding them to my list to make around the holidays. Your mom must have been so pleased to see her daughter make this. Sweet.

  23. I LOVE dates and these cookies look so good!

    How wonderful that you could bless your mom by bringing back a little piece of her past and yours! BTW-I used to ride my Welsh pony bareback too:)


  24. Dates enhance ANYTHING ... with the possible exception of scrambled eggs!

    Love recipes with a story behind them - thanx for sharing!!

  25. They're so pretty! And they sound wonderful so I'm bookmarking the recipe so I can make them in the future. I never had a cookie like this before and I just have to try them. :)

    I think it's wonderful you made them and took them to your mother. I'm not surprised her face and eyes lit up and that she was tickled pink.

    When you were a girl did you eat them with a glass of milk, hot chocolate, or tea? I think they sound great with all three! :)

  26. YOU GOT TO RIDE HORSES BAREBACK????? ♫♫ Lucky Dog~Lucky Dog ♫♫
    I got to sit in the saddle while a handler walked it around a circle in the park. That was it!!!

    I don't know which I want to have more....some of your wonderful "dated" cookies or that gorgeous platter! How pretty they BOTH look!

    How special that you could make your Mom smile with the shared memories! So many are built around food, huh?


  27. Lovely cookie, lovely story. I've always loved date pinwheels but have never made them myself. Recipe saved.
    I had a similar experience with my 95 year old uncle a few weeks ago, only it was chocolate that evoked the memory. Wonderful how food can do that! Thanks for sharing your story.

  28. Hello Cathy,

    These cookies are a blast from my past. I too remember my mom making them and they are so yummy. Thanks for a fun reminder and your recipe.

  29. Cathy, I love your serving gorgeous! Of course those cookies are looking very delectable too!

  30. Lovely memories.....
    I also remember a date cookie, baked every Friday - two rolled oat cookies, a large spoonful of dates on one, topped with the other and then the edges sealed before baking. That and a glass of milk was heaven.

  31. So delicious!!! Have a great weekend Cathy!!

  32. They look delicious and I'm sure they are extra special with so mnay wonderful memories attached to them. I will have to make them for my husband as he loves dates.

  33. I absolutely agree; old recipes with memories attached are the best ones. These sound really special. I love anything with dates. You are a good daughter to have made these for your mom. I bet you really brightened her day:)

  34. What a wonderful memory! They look wonderful, Cathy. I would love to try them!

  35. These cookies look so wonderful and I am coveting your serving dish. Thanks for sharing your memories.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy