Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ginger Chicken Lettuce Wraps

I'm not even tempted to make a list of resolutions for the New Year because I know the odds of my keeping most of them are pretty slim.  I try to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet year around and do pretty well with that most of the time.  December is always the exception because of holiday baking and menus that are full of rich foods that we don't normally enjoy the rest of the year.  So January is soup and salad month. I try to stay away from cream based soups and rich salad dressings and watch portion size so getting back to better eating habits isn't too painful.  These lettuce wraps make cutting way back on calorie intake a very simple thing.  I love this recipe whether I'm watching my diet or not and often serve it in the summer because it is light and full of wonderful flavors and textures.  FoodDay listed the calorie content of each serving (3 wraps) at around 200 calories, pretty amazing for how satisfying they are.  Make extra dressing because it's a yummy dip for veggies and the small, center leaves of a head of lettuce.  I hope you try this ~ you will love it!

Ginger Chicken Lettuce Wraps from the FoodDay section of the Portland Oregonian


3 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 cup fresh lime juice (4-5 limes)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (or sweetener to taste)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce


1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast
4 cups thinly sliced Chinese, Napa or Savoy cabbage
1/4 cup pink or white pickled ginger, coarsely chopped 
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup chopped toasted hazelnuts or peanuts
12 leaves butter lettuce or romaine

To make dressing: In a small bowl combine grated ginger, garlic, lime juice, sugar, soy sauce and sweet chili sauce.

To make filling: Measure 1/4 cup of dressing and pour over chicken in a separate bowl, cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

In a large bowl combine sliced cabbage, pickled ginger and cilantro.  Pour 2/3 cup of the remaining dressing over top and toss together.  Set aside.

Season chicken with salt and pepper. Grill till done and cut on bias into small pieces.  Arrange lettuce leaves on individual plates.  Just before serving stir toasted nuts into the cabbage mixture.  Fill each lettuce leaf with cabbage and top with cooked chicken.  Pass remaining sauce for diners to spoon onto wraps before they roll each one up to eat.


  1. Cathy...these look devine and as someone who watches carbs....perfect!! Have a wonderful weekend :)


  2. Cathy, this is art, just a beautiful yummy picture! Sounds like a perfect lunch:@)

  3. I've printed out a list for this - supper tonight - and I hope I can find pickled ginger. I've never heard of it, but perhaps it's in a part of a grocery aisle I've not adequately explored.

  4. These look great! After the holidays, I feel so tired of "heavy" eating - thanks for sharing!

  5. We have the same year round eating theory. No NY Resolutions here. I just had PF Changs Lettuce Wraps the other day and am in the lettuce wrap mood. These look really good Cathy.

  6. New Years resolutions are popping up all over - two lettuce wrap posts in my to-be-read pile - Bev can't eat bread so these will work well for her and I need to eat them as well.

  7. I LOVE lettuce wraps and yours look wonderful Cathy!

  8. Oh, this sounds SO good, Cathy! Fred would love these. He prefers lettuce wraps to bread. I'm crazy over anything with ginger in it. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us.


    Sheila :-)

  9. Lea Ann - I love PF Changs wraps too, but they have 580 calories per serving and this recipe has 200. The difference is in oil and sugar. It's nice to have something really low cal that is this tasty.

  10. wow these lettuce wraps look so refreshing, delicious and healthy!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Cathy!

  11. Looks great - do you pickle your own ginger or do you buy it pickled? I like something like this in the evening, makes you sleep better!!

  12. I just love ginger in or on anything. I will also check my supermarket for the pickles ginger, I think I have seen it in a jar. Otherwise off to the asian shop :)

  13. Fresh. healthy and delicious. Looks like a keeper recipe to me!

  14. We are most definitely in soup and salad mode here also so I am so happy to see this recipe! I will be making this! I've never used pickled ginger before so I hope I can find it.

  15. Mmmm...this looks healthy and delicious. My children would really love this cos they are great ginger lovers!

  16. These sound great! Light and refreshing!

  17. I really, really love lettuce wraps! We always get them at our favorite Asian place here in Knoxville. These look very similar, so I know they're tasty :)

  18. Pickled ginger is amazing..and your recipe sounds incredibly good to me..One day I will make this:)

  19. I can just hear the crunch! These sound like just the thing after all the rich food around the holidays.

  20. OH MY GOSH! These look abasolutely mouth watering. YUM!!!

  21. Cathy I love these! I make them too when I'm being good, almost the same except I add some siracha sauce.

  22. This sounds delicious. Just what I need right about now, something healthy and light but tasty. I have never heard of pickled ginger, sounds great though.

  23. Yum! This is my kind of favorite food - wish I had some right now, yummy!!!

  24. Lucky me! It's summer down here in Australia - so these will be perfect!!

    And I find any resolutions I make are more meaningful (and therefore more likely to be kept!) on my birthday!!

  25. Delicious! I wish I could get to the supermarket! I haven't been since before Cmas. And now it will be a few days with the new drop of snow. I am all out of fresh veggies, and this looks so good and fresh!
    I admire your determination and good eating habits. DH who never gains a lb. just opened a tin of Belgian cookies. I had to try a few! Very bad!
    Have a great Sunday! Your new header is very "cool"! :)

  26. this is really an interesting good recipe...thanks and have a nice Sunday, blessings, Flavia

  27. Soups and salads have been our mainstays this month. We've been trying to eat more veggies and these wraps are perfect. :)

  28. I rarely make resolutions. These wraps look fantastic! Hazelnuts would be a fun addition, I've only tried peanuts and cashews in lettuce wraps. :) Have a great week!

  29. OH yum! We actually made a version of lettuce wraps last night with homemade bao buns! Your recipe looks delicious and healthy! Love it!

  30. Yum. Once again, you and I are totally on the same page flavor-wise. This would be good in endive leaves too.

  31. this looks great healthy and full of flavor pleased you liked the spiders he he my Mum made them with us when we were little :-)

  32. i'm with you on the resolutions, i'm trying to do the same thing this year.

    these look so good and just packed with flavor!

  33. I adore food like this and love that your recipe is low calorie - thank you, Cathy! I was beginning to worry I'd have to wear my yoga pants for a few months. Vickie
    P.S. I wish WordPress did the printable recipe thing - I just added yours to the top of my pile. :)

  34. Oh, healthy, yet jam-packed with flavor. These sound amazing!

  35. Nothing better than a fresh, crisp, healthy dish like this, Cathy! All my favorite flavors, too.
    Great's making me wish I had the makings in my kitchen right now!

  36. I love wraps and these sound especially delicious, Cathy. You always put such nice food on the table. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  37. From the last few posts...I can see how you've been spoiling yourself with great food Cathy.

    Great flavours and ingredients found themselves all wrapped up in your yummy;o)

    Happy New year and all the very best,

  38. Oh yes!! These are on my dinner list for tomorrow!! YUM!!

  39. Okay, I'm just going to own up and admit I have NEVER eaten a lettuce wrap. But now I NEED to! Out of curiosity, I don't have pickled ginger, nor would I even know where to get it. 1/4 cup is a lot, too! Is there something you can recommend to take it's place, or tell me where I may be able to purchase it? I live in the middle of nowhere!
    I also want to admit I am new here. How have I missed you all this time? It won't happen again! By the way - Stumbled your post - I HAD to! It looks divine!

  40. Those are pretty. They look like they taste good too!

  41. I love lettuce wraps. Cathy, yours look so good.


  42. Cathy, this looks absolutely delicious! and I thank you for this recipe... before the weekend we will be enjoying it.

  43. Hi, Cathy -
    These look and sound WONDERFUL! Think I'm going to try them - they will work well with my dietary plan. Thanks for sharing them with us. Guess I missed them in the FoodDay!

  44. Hey,

    Those wraps look awesome..So delish...Just followed you dear...Wonderful recipes you have here...:)



Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy