Monday, December 6, 2010

Tate's Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hi Everybody. I'm b a c k.  No, I didn't fall off the edge of the earth as an email from one of my readers suggested and I haven't been on vacation either.  My last two weeks have been filled with holiday events, indoors and out, where I've taken my nuts roasters and sold freshly roasted, warm Gebrannte Mandeln, roasted almonds, to busy holiday shoppers, school children and those attending cultural events around the city.  My last large event ended yesterday afternoon.  The setting was a beautiful park where customers could shop, enjoy great local entertainment, take carriage rides through the quaint little town and sample delicious foods from around the world. It's going to take me several days to thaw out after a weekend in freezing (but dry) weather, and I'm more than ready to pack away all my equipment for the winter and enjoy being inside where it's warm and cozy.  It all will come out on Mother's Day weekend when my farmer's market starts up again for it 2011 season. 

Warm almonds scooped into paper cones

Packages of almonds headed for Christmas stockings

German candies and treats

Gingerbread ornaments decorate our trees

I haven't had time to do any holiday baking, but I have enjoyed browsing through a few new cookbooks that I have picked up at Costco in recent weeks.  One that especially caught my eye is Ina's recipe for Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake in her new book, Barefoot Contessa, How Easy is That?  I know this recipe will be a winner in my family because one of our favorite desserts, Famous Chocolate Refrigerator Roll,  found here, is very similar and is made with dark chocolate wafers. Ina uses Tate's chocolate chip cookies instead of the wafers (a great idea), and a few minutes of googling not only gave me lots of info about the cookies but also the recipe itself for Tate's Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Since I haven't tried the original cookie I can't make a proper comparison, but I can tell you these cookies are wonderful. They have a rich, buttery flavor and bake into a beautiful thin cookie.  Even though I played with oven temperature and baking times I just couldn't get a crisp wafer out of the batch.  I subsequently read similar comments on other sites that have posted this recipe. So if it's crispness you are after you will probably be disappointed with this recipe.  The flavor is fantastic, however, and I am going  to make Ina's cake with the cookies I already baked.  After all, they won't stay crisp in the whipped cream for more than a minute. 

Tate's Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies
from Tate's Bake Shop Cookbook by Kathleen King

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup salted butter (2 sticks)
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed
1 teaspoon water
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Grease or line 2-3 cookie sheets with parchment paper

In a large bowl, stir together flour, baking soda and salt.  In another large bowl, cream the butter and sugars, then add the water and vanilla.  Mix until just combined.  Add eggs to the butter mixture and mix lightly.

Stir in the flour mixture.  When flour is mixed in, fold in the chocolate chips.  Drop 2 tablespoonfuls of the cookie dough 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.  Make sure the cookie sheets are well greased if you aren't using parchment paper or a baking mat.

Bake for 12 - 17 minutes or until the edges and centers of the cookies are golden brown.  Remove from oven and allow to cool on wire racks.

NOTE:  I baked my cookies at 325 degrees for 11-12 minutes and then left them to cool on the baking sheet for 3-4 minutes before removing them to cool on a wire rack.  


I have linked this post to Red Couch Recipes "Your Wonderful Life" holiday party.  Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess, Joni. 


  1. I can't remember what kind of cookie from Tate's Ina featured on her show one time. These certainly sound wonderful, but then again, tell me about a choc. chip cookie that doesn't!


  2. Love the holiday look of your must love your nut business..:) Makes people happy..the cookies look like tuiles almost:) Almost.

  3. The cookies sound good, but OH THOSE ALMONDS! They look fantastic! Wish I lived nearby to by cones full of them...

  4. Busy you!! Those nuts look amazing!

  5. Very lovely photos Cathy:D and the almonds look do those cookies of yours! Yummy!

  6. I just received some cookies from Tate's... they are buttery and delicious. Yours look perfect! I may be making these this week. Glad you are so busy... I am craving some of your almonds. mmm good.

  7. Boy, Everybody is talking about these Tate cookies! Sue (Someone's Mom) is having a giveaway of them.

    Did you take that incredible photo of the cookies stacked like that????? If so, PLEASE tell me how you got the background to disappear like that??? It looks AWESOME!! (my food shots are pathetic in comparison) I wanna be you when I grow up!

  8. See, now that's something you don't hear in Philly often "I grabbed my nut roaster and hit the road":@) Glad you're back inside where it's warm and look forward to seeing what you bake up!

  9. delicious! i love a nice buttery cookie!

  10. Bonjour Cathy,
    SO good to see you back posting. This is such a busy time, but it sounds like you have had a fantastic couple of weeks. These cookies are perfect and now on my baking list. Can you believe, chocolate chip cookies aren't that popular in France...I'm having withdrawal.
    Wishing you a lovely week,

  11. The look of your gorgeous....ciao, Flavia

  12. Love the header! The little "chef" is so appropriate. Your schedule of events sounds like the perfect way to usher in the holiday season.

    Is there anything better than chocolate chip cookies? These look delicious!


  13. Your pictures are so festive! And the cookies look super yummy! Congrats on finishing up the season. Now put up your feet and relax a little!

  14. The cookies look perfect, Cathy. I'm glad work is finished until May and that you'll be able to enjoy the holidays with your family. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. Those cookies look so buttery and delicious. I'm sure you enjoyed them a lot. By the way, I'm holding a giveaway on my blog for Orglamix Organic makeup and you're welcome to come by and enter.

  16. It's holiday season and you need a break, Cahty! Hope everything went well. How I wish to grab over those cookies... love the thickness...looks so tempting! Thanks again & hope you're having a wonderful time.
    Blessings, Kristy

  17. Oh how I would love some of YOUR nuts Cathy! They remind me of Germany!
    I will be curious to hear how you like this recipe. I have had the Tate's cookies recently and they are extremely thin and very crisp. I should try to bake them and see how they come out.
    I have been having a problem lately with my cCC cookies coming out too thin when I do not want them
    Great post!

  18. These cookies looks delicious. Got to try to make them too :D

  19. Cathy, I know Kathleen, her dad
    s farm is across the road. That is where she started selling her cookies. He shop in town used to be called Kathleen's, but when she sold the rights to those cookies, she could no longer use the name. So funny when I saw your title on my sidebar!
    They look exactly like hers, which are very thin, buttery and crisp. I have had them many times!
    You have been a busy gal, me too! Our big party was yesterday and today I felt like I had been beat up!
    Now to do my house!

  20. Don't you just love Ina's new cookbook? Tonight I made her lemon chicken breasts with cheesy polenta. Yum and yum! I also eyed this recipe and will await your comments on how it turned out.

  21. Your Chocolate Chip Cookies look so good! That is a fav cookie here. :)

    Enjoy your break and the holidays!

  22. I love thin crispy cookies. I will save this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  23. This post makes me so happy for multiple reasons:
    1. I just got this cookbook and have been eyeing that mocha cake!! So glad I have the cookie recipe to go with it!
    2. I am totally obsessed with German Christmas markets! I brought home a few bags of Mandeln last year when we went to Koln and Oldenburg, and I rationed them out like butter in WW2 :) I host an annual Gluhwein party to help bring some of the Christmas Market spirit to Knoxville :) Do you sell your Mandeln online? I'd LOVE to buy some sometime!!

  24. I've had Tate's Cookbook for over a year now - haven't had the time to try many of the recipes however. In reading the recipe the only thing I noticed in the book was "not to overwork the dough" Mixing in too much 'air' make be the reason they didn't crisp. Just an idea! They look delicious!!

  25. If I wasn't already in the Christmas spirit, your post today would have fixed that! What gorgeous pictures and the nuts look divine. I hope to get out your way one of these days, and I can't wait to sample some of this deliciousness!

  26. Forget the cookies, I want your almonds! I can just smell them roasting out in the cool air, love that smell!

  27. Would love to hear all about the different markets you were at the past couple weeks. The holiday nuts and gifts look so festive. The chocolate chip cookies just look yummy.

  28. How I wish I lived near you and could get my hands on some of your nuts. I adore nuts.

    Ina's new book calls for a chocolate cookie from Tate's Bake Shop. I was worried I couldn't get them. Thanks for taking care of that worry.

  29. I was surprised when you said they weren't crisp because they look like they would be. I actually prefer chocolate chip cookies to be a little softer so know I would love these!

    Hope you've warmed up :) I'd love a bag of those warm almonds!

  30. I think thin crispy chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favotite. Thanks for waving me off of this recipe. The image looks so lovely and perfectly crisp!
    I'll look forward to the ice box cake. I adore icebox cake and make it for family gatherings. I use chocolate wafers. YUM!
    Two old classics... no not us... the cookies and ice box cake.
    xo Yvonne

  31. What a fun holiday business! How ever did you get into that? I really would love to know. I love the hot nuts, first had them on the streets of New York and they always remind me of that. The cookies look delish. Glad I hopped over from It's a Wonderful Life. I know I have been before and I may have said this before but I love your blog title. It makes me smile every time I read it.

  32. Those cookies look yummy, as do the roasted nuts! :)

  33. Those cookies are so thin and delicate, I am sure they were very good. Oh and those roasted almond must make your house smell incredible!

  34. What a shame none of your goodies will be heading my way for Xmas! I'll just have to content myself with this recipe instead!!

    Merry Xmas!

  35. those look delish. my son loves a flat chocolate chip cookie

  36. These look delightful. I can't get enough of chocolate chip cookies. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  37. Yum! I made Chocolate Chip Cookies over the weekend for the first time in years and they were very good. The recipe varied but little from the one here. I do like to add pecans to mine though...and dip them in a cup of hot coffee.

  38. These look yummy! It was great meeting you this past weekend at the Lake Oswego Holiday Bazaar, those pecans were DELICIOUS! Have a wonderful day!

  39. I love tates cookies! they are at every store here in the city!

  40. Now I'm wishing I'd done some cookbook shopping at Costco today. Ina's cookbook and this recipe sound great.

  41. We have shop in our area that reminds me of of this. Those cookies are to die for!

  42. Glad to see you back Cathy! It is a busy time of year. I have a lot of blogging to catch up on myself.

    Those warm almonds look so good. What a great treat.

    The chocolate chip cookies look wonderful as well. I have been wanting Ina's new cookbook. I have been hinting around to my family members. Hopefully, someone will get the hint:)

  43. Welcome back, Cathy! Love the look of those cookies and I'll try this recipe next time the men scream for Chocolate Chip Cookies! And I'll bet Christmas is so beautiful up where you are! I wish we had a decent Christmas market.

  44. Cathy, I love your darling Christmas header. This is the second time I've run across Tate's cookies. I've got to get my hands on some of those! Your photos are terrific! Have a wonderful weekend.

  45. I haven't read Ina's new cookbook yet, Cathy. Is it a good one? Perhaps I should add it to my wish list?
    And I love really crispy cc cookies! I've never like the cakey ones. Been hearing a lot about Tate's cookies lately too.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy