Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ribollita with Parmesan Toast

Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite meals of the year.  The aroma of the turkey roasting in the oven as all the side dishes are being prepared creates an anticipation that has us all pacing the floor until dinner is served.  And we enjoy the leftovers as much as the big dinner itself.  But, if your family is like mine, now we are ready for a break from all that heavy, rich food and are craving something light and easy to prepare.

A few weeks ago I saw a recipe for ribollita at Proud Italian Cook that I knew would be the perfect post-Thanksgiving soup - lots of fresh vegetables, tons of flavor, and easy to prepare when I'm still cleaning up the kitchen from the huge meal the day before. Marie's recipes are always first rate and this didn't disappoint.  The combination of vegetables she used is fantastic, and the addition of beans and potatoes added substance to this scrumptious soup, described by Marie as classic Tuscan peasant fare.  Rather than retype the recipe here I encourage you to visit Marie and browse through her posts where I know you will find other dishes that you can't resist.  I didn't add bread to this ribollita but rather gave the soup a few blends with an immersion blender as Marie suggested and that thickened it up perfectly.

Instead of just sprinkling grated parmesan cheese over the hot bowls of soup I toasted thick slices of crusty bread, piled on the grated cheese and put the slices under the broiler until the cheese was bubbly and browned.  The toast went into the bowl first and then steaming hot soup was ladled over the top.

My photo doesn't do this soup justice.  Sorry Marie.  I was all set up to take pictures, ladled the hot soup into a bowl, got the lighting just the way I wanted it, snapped 4 shots,  and the phone rang.  I should have let it ring, but I didn't and by the time I got back to my soup it was cold, the lighting had changed and my opportunity had passed.  But, rather than not post, I chose to go  with the best of what I had because I wanted to tell you about this wonderful recipe.  I do hope you will try it.

This weekend I'm joining Ann at Thibeault's Table and Lori at All that Splatters for  Weekend Blog Showcase.  Ann and Lori alternate hosting this event.  I hope you will drop by for a visit.


  1. I agree Cathy, TG is a wonderful and favorite meal. I'm just making my feast today, so those aromas will be filling the house soon. This looks like a wonderful soup. Thanks for posting the recipe.

  2. Cathy, this is my kind of soup-sounds great:@)

  3. Looks delicious, Cathy! It's soup weather around here, and this looks like it would be a wonderful addition to my soup repertoire. Can't wait to try it!

  4. That sounds wonderful! We're definitely in soup weather here.

  5. This is comfort food at its best. I am roasting a chickn today that would also work, although not as many leftovers!!

  6. This looks so good.. I love her apron too:)

  7. Cathy, I saw this soup recipe also and printed it off. I am happy to know that it is a winner! We will be having it at our house soon.

  8. Your photo DID do it justice, it made my mouth water! And I loved the linked blog, too - looks like I have my reading lined up for the day. By the way, I took your chutney to Thanksgiving and it was the hit of dinner! It has been added to my treasured recipe collection.

  9. I'd seen this also and thought it sounded good and with your second opinion, I'll have to put it on the try list. I thought your shot made it look very good.

  10. Marie's blog is a guarantee.... and ypur ribollita looks very good...ciao Flavia

  11. I like your addition of the toasted bread - it sounds delicious!

  12. i love that big chunk of bread in there, delicious!

  13. Looks very healthy too! No leftover turkey here, that's the bad part of going somewhere else for Tgiving! Glad I didn't have the mess to clean up though! :)

  14. Cathy, This is my kind of soup. Rich, hearty and meal worthy. I love the parmesan toasts in the soup. YUMMY!

  15. wow what an amazing soup :-) great idea for leftovers so pleased you had a good thanksgiving Rebecca

  16. I've made Ribolitta before and loved it! The Parmesan toast sounds wonderful and I think your photo looks just right! It makes my turkey carcass soup pale in comparison.

  17. I think your photo looks great. :) The soup looks so good and hearty- perfect when you've had enough turkey and stuffing!

  18. You said you're not happy with this photo? I want to jump right into your bowl! Cathy this looks terrific and I love how you ladeled the soup over crusty bread. Thanks for all the kind words, you're the best my friend!

  19. I love Ribolita! It's snowing here today and all i want is this bowl of soup.

  20. Sounds wonderful! Only problem is, it's coming up summer down here in OZ! Guess I'll have to try it NEXT winter!!

    Happy travels!!

  21. I love soup and funny, I've never made Ribollita. I really like how you topped it with Parmesan cheese toast.

    Absolutely lovely, including the photo. Your photos are always outstanding Cathy and never ever disappoint.

  22. This recipe sounds perfect for all the leftovers and such comforting meal as well! Thank you for the introduction. Hope you're having a wonderful day.

  23. I had to laugh.. the light changes so quickly these days... the same thing happened to me... the light flew away while I was yammering and never came back...the soup sounds divine! I haven't made it in so long... must give it a try!

  24. That's an interesting name, never heard of it before. Looks delicious.

  25. What a perfect post holiday meal. It looks ans sounds delicious, Cathy. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  26. Such a favorite recipe of ours!! We haven't made it in quite a I have a craving :)

  27. A very appetising kind of soup, it's cold and wet weather here too so soup is the favourite among us too! Thanks for sharing Cathy:D

  28. I think your picture of this soup looks wonderful. So does this soup. I love that you placed the cheesy bread in the bowl first. Boy does that sound good:)

  29. The photo makes me hungry - I love hearty soups like this during the rainy season.

  30. This is something I have always wanted to make, but never did. Your photo is really good and gives me the urge to try this italian classic.

  31. Soup is the hardest thing to photograph. Still I think your Ribollita looks great! It sounds even better. The Parmesan Toast is a great addition. Very appealing!

  32. I love Marie's blog. Your photo is just fine, Cathy. I'd eat TWO bowls, thank you!

  33. Cathy, your soup looks delicious. With the weather we have been having here on the west coast, it would be just perfect. I like how you served yours with the the toasted bread and cheese. Thanks for introducing me to Marie's blog.

  34. This looks right up my alley! My favorite thing about winter is soup. And some good bread!

  35. Your bowl of soup is filled with appetizing veggies! Hearty soups are so good on chilly days, like today. Yummy!

  36. Oh this is the best winter soup I've seen yet and now I want to make this. Husband just told me to make more meals like this. Mouthwatering, tempting, delicious!

  37. Love your new header!!! Great soup recipe too!
    Are you getting ready for Christmas? We have one celebration done... My husband's family Christmas last weekend. So nice to have them interspersed during the holiday season!!

  38. This is a new one on me, but one that I know I would love!

  39. YUMM-O...this would keep me nice and warm on these cold winter nights in Beaverton.

  40. Love the header, Cathy!
    And the soup....copied it before I wrote this! With some chilly weather here in Florida (finally) this would really hit the spot. I love finding new recipes...ribollita is new to me.

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  42. Kathy, I'm with you all the way about Thanksgiving! Your soup looks delicious and I like your header also.

  43. I just printed this recipe out and can't wait to try it. I am sure I will love it since it has all of my favorite ingredients. I have a similar soup posted on my blog. It is a variation of Don Pablo's white bean chili. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Are you on vacation? I absolutely love the Christmas banner! Happy Holidays, Cathy!

  45. I think the photo is great! Mouth-watering, in fact. The soup looks perfect for these cold days.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy