Monday, December 27, 2010

Mushroom and Bacon Quiche

I don't know about you, but I've had enough time in the kitchen recently to satisfy me for quite some time, or a few days at least.  I loved every minute of it, but now I'm ready to scale back and enjoy a few easy, delicious meals that don't take a lot of time and don't contain a quart of cream and a dozen eggs. (I confess, I've learned some dangerous things from Paula Deen).

For Christmas dinner I prepared a large prime rib roasted oh, so perfectly thanks to Ann at Thibeault's Table.  Ann gave me directions on how to salt the roast ahead of time and cook it on high heat to produce the most mouth watering crust you could ever imagine. The meat was fork tender and cooked exactly as I had hoped and my family loved it.  I served a simple potato casserole, roasted asparagus and stuffed mushrooms along with the roast and the meal was close to perfect.  I've set the standard and this will be our menu as long as I prepare Christmas dinner.  And the french dips on Sunday were sublime.

I had leftover bits of this and that in the fridge, plus one last pie shell, so quiche for tonight's dinner seems like a logical choice.  This one has lots of diced mushrooms and Jarlsburg cheese, plus several slices of diced bacon and a half of a small onion, and it's delish.  I used my favorite quiche recipe and just altered the filling to suit what I have on hand. It works every time.   An arugula salad is a tasty side to this easy and delicious dish.  And don't forget to include a nice glass of white wine. Bon Appetit.


  1. Hi Cathy , I like your recipes and I just love mushrooms , it's perfect!

    BUT , I would really say ... what amazing pics you have above ... how nice!
    I can see you really had a white Xmas =D

    Cintia ( Tin ) Fumagalli

  2. Ha! Wish I could back out of the kitchen so easily!! BUT ... I'm too busy trying to do creative things with all the leftover food! Why, oh why don't I ever learn from previous years and scale it right down??!!

    Happy travels! Your white Xmas pix look divine - SOOO different from downunder here in OZ!

  3. Your quiche recipe sounds excellent and like you, we're cooked out for awile.

  4. Cathy - the quiche soundsand looks so good! I'm actually looking forward to getting rid of the sugar overload.

  5. That is a great way to use up what is left in the frig! I am going to give it a try. Thank you!!

  6. i love quiche. I'll have to make this one!

  7. Scrumptious! I just froze the remainder of the Christmas ham, some of the cookies and all of the spicy nuts. I'll bring them out in February. In the meantime, quiche, a salad and a glass of white wine sound just right!


  8. Close to perfect? It WAS perfect! It was the best meal I have had in a very long time. Thanks for such an amazing meal, Mom! The quiche looks pretty darn delicious too!

  9. We had a bacon quiche for Christmas morning. It tasted so good. Yummy! Have a great week.

  10. I've got the bacon - now for some mushrooms. You had a winning combo there for a great looking quiche. It sounds like Erin really loved it too.

  11. Sounds like a perfect Christmas dinner you'd prepared Cathy, not surprised your family loved it. That quiche looks perfectly done too! Mushrooms and bacons are my favourite.

  12. Hi Cathy. Glad you had a great holiday. I too am ready to keep it simple for a few days. Made a big pot of split pea soup with my leftover honey baked ham on bone. Delish! I think most of us ladies need a little rest now, don't we? Happy New Year!

  13. Hmmmm....I have one more round of pate brisee in the freezer and the makings of a quiche! Yours looks fabulous Cathy! I think i will make one this week! We also had a Prime Rib for Christmas dinner and the next night it!

  14. mmm...looks delicious. That's such a good way to use up leftovers. Lovely to know you had a lovely time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  15. Your collage is so pretty and the quiche looks great..
    Ann's roasting techniques are fantastic..apart from her other cooking/baking talents..And I love that her recipes are meant to be SHARED all of ours..

    My DSIL made Paula's Turducken all stuffed w/ her cornbread stuffing..he brianed all deboned..a thing of beauty!!

    So your quiche.He made those too:)I love quiche.

  16. So glad to hear that Christmas came off without a hitch and you enjoyed every moment!!

  17. The quiche looks fantastic. Yes, glad to be back to plain ol country veggies and food....

  18. Just perfect, Cathy! I love quiche to begin with; such a quick, easy dinner. Love the idea of mushrooms.
    Your snowy mosaic was such fun to see!

  19. I'm so ready for the simplicity of a savory quiche too. Thanks for the reminder.
    LOVE your new header photos!

  20. Thank goodness for lefovers, I have to admit I was a little cooked out and haven't cooked for about three days. This quiche looks wonderful Cathy.

  21. Gorgeous, and looks hearty and filling. I want.

  22. I feel the same way! Going back to the easy, simple cooking for a while... :) The quiche looks awesome. :)

  23. oh i love quiches, this looks incredible!

  24. I'm ready for lighter meals too. Although that Christmas dinner sounds like a must try.

  25. My kind of quiche. Love the crisp base and the stuffing inside. Good to have found your space.

    Happy 2011 to you!

  26. I love a good quiche and this looks like just that!

  27. Cathy, I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday. Christmas dinner sounds wonderful and the quiche looks delicious. I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday season. Blessings...Mary

  28. Look at all that snow! How beautiful it looks. Thankfully, I started receiving my seed catalogs so I have hope of new beginnings ;)

    You make the prettiest, most delicious-looking quiches, Cathy!

  29. This looks so deeeeeelicious! Quiche with mushrooms has always a favourite of mine.

    Happy New Year!

  30. Mushroom and bacon sounds like a lovely combo...!Hmmm :)!

  31. will you adopt me ?
    ohhhhhhh Mamma Mia........I have the blues like you have NO IDEA........ and this would make me feel sooooooooooo much better :)
    Gonna make this very soon.

  32. I love quiche for dinners - so easy to put together and they're always so good. Love lots of mushrooms in mine, too! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas dinner. Happy New Year, Cathy!


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