Thursday, December 30, 2010

Celebrating the New Year with Lobster Rolls

Our New Year's Eve will be a quiet, stay at home celebration this year (to be honest, that's how we do it every year).  The weather is nasty and there are too many crazies out on the road to warrant venturing out just for the sake of partying in a loud, overcrowded restaurant with slow service and mediocre food.  Oh dear, I do sound like a grump, don't I?  To be honest, after the hustle and bustle of Christmas it is so enjoyable to have a quiet evening at home with family and friends. It's our tradition to talk about the coming year and what we hope to accomplish during the 12 months ahead and reminisce a bit about the good, bad and ugly of last year. There wasn't much ugly going on other than a few health issues with parents (my dear dad fell and broke both arms last summer) and several minor upsets that don't seem very important now.

I will prepare a large meal on New Year's Day so want to serve something the night before that is easy to put together but at the same time will be a special treat that everybody will love.  The Pacific Northwest is Dungeness Crab country and I know anything with crab would be perfect for my group.  I've prepared Broiled Dungeness Crab Sandwiches many times in the past along with Crab Cakes and Crab Louies so I know I can't go wrong with these old standbys, but when I saw beautiful big lobster tails in the fish market I tossed my old menu and went with lobster instead.  This is a rare treat because affordable lobster isn't available here other than at the holidays. A dinner of lobster rolls and champagne will be a lovely way to welcome in the New Year, don't you think?

My recipe for lobster rolls is very simple.  

cooked and cooled lobster, 4-5 oz. per serving
lemon juice
the best mayo 
a bit of chopped celery
a minced green onion
chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
a hot dog or hoagie bun, preferably split down the topside, toasted

Combine ingredients to suit your taste and pile into a warm, crispy toasted roll.
 Pass lemon wedges and mayo if anyone would like more.

A very Happy New Year to you all, dear friends.


  1. One of the trips I've been wanting to take is a drive down the New England coast eating lobster rolls every day for lunch - I've never had one. Yours looks amazing and now, I don't think I'll wait for the trip to try one.

  2. Now that's a treat from back home in Nova Scotia - no first day there is complete without a Lobster one time, even the local McDonald's sold them!

  3. You dont sound like a grump, I can't deal with the bad behaviour on New Years. I am all for a low key night!

  4. I'll be lucky if my DH stays awake until 9PM....

    That sounds like a wonderful way to bring in the New Year. You can't go wrong with Lobster!

  5. Who wouldn't love this for NYE or for any time? I think you've given me reason to splurge on myself.

  6. Oh la la! What time shall I be over?

  7. That's really a BIG roll with fabulous, sumptuous filling! I need one to end my year :P Wishing you a great 2011!

  8. Oh this is a scruptious elegant roll!
    Perfect to celebrate the new year!!
    Happy new year :)

  9. What a gorgeous treat, Cathy. I'd love to have one of these right now. Have a terrific day. Blessings...Mary

  10. I just sat down to decide on our dinner for New Year's day and saw your new post. Yes, thank you very much! It will either be crab or lobster rolls. Just the two of us to feed and I'm about cooked out! New Year's Eve dinner will be linguine with red clam sauce. New Year's day lunch will be black eye peas (I just read that they are not black eyeD) and cornbread. Now I have a dinner (maybe it should be supper) plan.

    Best wishes for a delicious, happy and healthy new year.


  11. Your post has me salivating.Isn't it funny? I would pick this over a huge fancy meal this year..I can't but I would..

    It looks like a feast in a bun.
    Happy new Year.Thanks for all your wonderful posts.

  12. I love lobster rolls. They're absolutely one of my favorite meals. Love them!

  13. I am so jealous; great photos with wonderful seafood. None of that around here.
    Best wishes for you and your family in 2011.

  14. I am with you Cathy. A quite evening at home is what I am looking forward too. I am exhausted from Christmas!

    Your lobster rolls rock.

    Happy New Year!

  15. I adore lobster roll..... thanks for sharing..... I wish you a wonderful happy new year and a special eve tomorrow !!!Hugs, Flavia

  16. We can actually get lobster fairly reasonably at a downtown fish market. They sell whole lobster dinners for only $12.99! Granted, they're small losters but still enough for me.

    I've honestly never had a lobster roll but yours has been craving one right now!

    Happy New Year, Cathy!

  17. You have really gotten a lot of snow Cathy. Your header photos are lovely.

    Love the idea of staying at home on new years eve. We do the same. Your lobster rolls sound delicious and the photos are mouthwatering. Hope you have a wonderful new year. I'm looking forward to more of your wonderful recipes.

  18. Hi Cathy! We are ordering in Thai food and watching movies!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  19. This dish would be a lovely ay to usher in the New Year. Have a fun-filled celebration even if we are homebodies.

  20. Like you, Cathy, we've decided to stay in this New Year's Eve. Between the crowds, the crazies on the road, and the "special menus" (which means nothing I like is on it), we decided to treat ourselves to good food in front of a roaring fire (probably in my jammies). I picked up lobster, too, to make a lobster scampi. Your lobster roll has me drooling. I adore that sandwich. I also like the warm lobster rolls we get in Point Judith. Happy New Year and may it be a healthy one.

  21. Yum! My family would go nuts for this lobster roll. It sounds like you will be having a very nice night. We stay home too with family and friends and eat way too much and play games. I love it and look forward to it all year.

    I wish you a very happy and healthy new year with lots of love and laughter:)

  22. We always stay in as well. Your lobster rolls look fabulous. My daughter loves lobster, she would be all over these.

    Have a very Happy New Year, Cathy! ;)

  23. What time should I be there?? lol To me that would be a PERFECT meal for NYE. Like you, I would rather have a few over to the house than go out!
    Best Wishes to you and yours for the New Year!!

  24. A low key New Year's Eve is perfect- a quiet dinner with friends is all the excitement I need! Those lobster rolls look wonderful- I'm wanting one now! I hope you have a lovely new year!

  25. Gorgeous Cathy! I just ordered 18 1 1/2 pound Maine lobsters for tomorrow night....I am hoping there is a little left over for some lobster rolls...One of our favorite things!
    Happy New Year!

  26. This is indeed a special treat! I'm looking at those big chunks of bright red lobster meat, and I'm imagining how amazing this must be!

    Happy New Year Cathy!

  27. I love seafood of any kind and I love bread too so this photo of yours is making me drool! Happy New Year Cathy!

  28. You're preaching to the choir, I dislike going out on NYE for the same reasons. I've had lobster rolls once. A good friend who is from Maine had the lobster flown in and made them for us. DEEEElicious. Such simple ingredients with such a wonderful result.

  29. Cathy, have a safe and happy new year. Lobster rolls are my favorite. I would eat them everyday if lobter weren't so expensive. I will remmeber this recipe.


  30. Oh my Goodness Cathy- these lobster rolls look amazing! If I ever make it to Oregon to visit my brother, I'm coming to camp on your doorstep and beg your delicious food. :)
    Have a wonderful, and quiet New Years. We prefer a quuiet evening also.

  31. I'm with you about "rookie night" - too many folks out that don't get out often. :P This looks fabulous, and though I don't have any lobster, I'm going to adapt it and make shrimp rolls. (would that be a po boy? - now I have to research!)

  32. I had tea and toast! 4 days of a stomach virus, and I am so ready for a lobster roll. Looks fabulous!
    Happy , healthy 2011, my Oregon buddy!

  33. I am heading to Boston this evening. Hope I'll have such great lobster rolls as this one!! I bookmark your recipe right now! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Now I am officially hungry. That looks and sounds so good.

  35. From one Grump to another, we love staying home every New Year's Eve, just the two of us and a simple but luxurious meal. Like one or two of these luscious lobster rolls! Wow!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy