Monday, November 1, 2010

Beef Barley Soup...again

Almost overnight the weather went from nice warm fall days and cool, crisp nights to gloomy, grey skies and steady rain.  I love the seasons here in the Northwest, and by the time fall arrives I'm ready to get my flannel quilt out of the cupboard and set out my Cinnamon Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Spice candles.  I love the coziness of a fire in the fireplace and the comforting smell of a pot of soup simmering on the stove.

I shared this recipe for beef barley soup in a previous post, found here, and it is such a delicious soup that it's worth posting again.  I changed the recipe a bit by starting with a rich vegetable stock made from bits and pieces of assorted veggies that I collected over the past month.  I keep a lidded container in the freezer and add  herbs and vegetables that don't get used up in the course of the week.  I always buy too much, especially at the farmers' market, and this way nothing is wasted.  I cooked what I thought was a lovely small beef roast over the weekend that turned out to be tougher than I like so I cubed the meat and added it to the stock along with the other ingredients in the recipe.   It was yummy and my house smelled wonderful as the soup simmered on the back of the stove.

My farmers' market wrapped up the 2010 season on Saturday.  It's one of my favorite markets of the year because many vendors and customers wear costumes and the little kids trick or treat from one booth to another.  I took the above photo half an hour before the market opened  and the street lights were still on and customers were just beginning to walk the aisles.  Our fall foliage is spectacular this year and the trees looked like they were lighted from within.

Quilting is my winter hobby and several years ago I made this flannel throw that I bring out every fall.  The pattern is very simple, and I love the rich colors and the adorable pumpkin family pattern that borders the center design.   Just like my recipe collection, I have more quilting fabrics stashed away than I could ever use in a lifetime.  And I just keep adding more.  It's a sickness.

My giveaway from Blog2Print is open until Thursday, November 4, so there is still plenty of time to enter.  If you would like the opportunity to win a blog book of your own just click here to return to that post.  Somebody is going to be a very happy winner.  I hope it's you.


  1. The soup looks delicious Cathy and it definitely looks as fall has arrived in Portland - lots of colorful leaves.

  2. Oh Cathy,

    Your soup is delicious I'm sure, but I'm in love with that adorable quilt! Hot soup and flannel, happy November...

  3. It's been gloomy and cold here since a few weeks ago =( I miss the sun!

  4. Cathy, my father used to make a barley soup -- he really didn't make any others. I love barley, but my kids don't -- what is wrong with them? Your soup looks so good and what a way to use some beef that is a bit tough. I always love your market pics, and of course I envy it. Joni

  5. The soup looks hearty and delicious - I bet your house smelled amazing while it cooked. Your quilt is beautiful!

    I am sorry I missed the last day of the market... I was home but I thought it had already ended! UGH.

  6. Yes, time to put on the soup pot, dig out the comfort candles and wrap up here too. I'm missing our farmers' market and wish it could stay longer. The trees lining the street of your market are beautiful--one of my favorite fall colors! Enjoy the drawing in by the hearth!!


  7. That's a great idea on the freezer container.

  8. That is a hearty warming soup my family would love to eat. The quilt is beautiful!

  9. A pot of soup simmering away on the back of the stove is a wonderful complement to any chilly fall day. This one sounds delicious. :)

  10. A good recipe is well worth repeating! What a wonderful end to your farmers market. I love the idea that the vendors dress up and the kids trick or treat at the vendors' stands.

    What a lovely winter hobby, Cathy! Your quilt is gorgeous!

  11. Great looking soup.

    Luv the quilt. My MIL quilts and has a whole bedroom full of fabric....

  12. One of my most favorite soups. Ill have to try this version, it looks so damn good!

  13. I make beef and barley soup all the time too. I have to wonder tho........I bought a roast beef too and cooked it the other day. Now Im a chef, I know how to cook that thing. And its not the first one like this. In fact the last was so bad I chopped it up to feed my dog with it. So you shop at Safeway? Cuz thats where I got mine and Im about to complain to them. I never had this issue when I lived in Ca. .......perhaps its where they get this meat from? I just was surprised to see you have that same issue too. So I have to wonder who supplies their meat that comes here to Oregon?

  14. Cathy, I love the quilt! Your beef barley soup looks very like mine. Lots of hearty veggies and a perfect winter's meal with some home made bread!!! Sad to see the market end I bet. Those colors are spectacular in your photos!!!

  15. The sup does sound delish.. we had snow!Imagine Oct 30th..It's going to be a long winter.

  16. I am so wanting to make a good beef soup. What a beautiful soup, this is! You are such a talented person. Sewing is not my gift. I wish it was, though.

  17. Cathy, thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures! Your soup looks luscious as ever, love those trees at the farmers' market... awesome colour contrast and your beautiful handmade quilt. I'm planning to make my own quilt later on when I am more free. I've always adored homemade quilt. I used to make crossstich & knitting but very time consuming. And need better eye-sight for those task. Thanks again.

  18. Cathy, I have the same illness...I spent over an hour yesterday, hunting for the Pilgrim Turkey fabric that I bought to make Ms. C. a jumper. There are only 3 weeks for her to wear the silly thing so I HAVE to get busy!!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ your quilt & your soup. You are a woman after my own heart!!

    Thanks for the recipe & I will have to start a *veggie freezer box* for my leftovers. With just the two of us, I get lots of wee bits that I hate to waste. Never thought of using them for a veggie stock.

    Don't forget to go vote today! I've got an entire movie on my blog about women's struggle to get the right to vote.


    p.s. I'm taking a lesson on a long arm quilting machine today!! Yipee...will be able to rent time on it after I pass the test. :D

  19. Cathy, I can't get over the beautiful foliage. It's really spectacular and a lovely backdrop for the farmers market.

    I smiled when I read about the trick or treaters at the market. We live in the mountains where there aren't traditional neighborhoods with sidewalks and street lights. People live on steep windy roads, not conducive for children trick or treaters. So the city closes the main street downtown and the children trick or treat to the various merchants, who are decorated for Halloween and are ready for the kids with treats. It is like a festival and everyone is in an outfit. A great time for all.

  20. Cathy, your soup is calling my name. The perfect comfort food. Love your soup tureen.


  21. Is there no end to your talent, Cathy! You cook AND quilt??? Wow! And you do both well.

    Loved seeing your quilt, and that soup looks delicious. My mother used to make that, and I cannot replicate her recipe for some reason. Just as I can't replicate the way she made baked chicken. Hers was the best I have ever eaten. I keep thinking that she must have used an herb I'm not using, but she gave Mr. Magpie her recipe. Guess she just had that knack like you do! It's called talent.


    Sheila :-)

  22. I hope it's me too!
    I love your quilt, it is beautiful!
    The soup looks wonderful, and I can imagine the heavenly aroma wafting through the house!
    Like the pumpkin bowl too!

  23. I have been thinking about making a beef barley soup! I have never made it and was wondering where to find a good recipe; here it is! Yours looks fabulous! It is really the season for this hearty soup. I used to quilt but haven't for years! Your quilt is stunning!

  24. This really is a beautiful presentation! You are so talented -- the quilt is beautiful!

  25. I love the look of your quilt too, it is very vibrant. As usual I am very impressed with your farmers' market. The trees do look very beautiful indeed and that soup looks inviting served in such a pretty bowl:)

  26. This soup sounds like the perfect thing to enjoy on a cold, winter day. I love the fall colors in your farmer's market photo. Your quilt is so beautiful too. I have always wanted to try quilting...someday:)

  27. What a gorgeous soup! And the pumpkin shaped soup bowl looks really cool.

  28. Looks like you have lots of color too Cathy. I agree..this year has been good. I was afraid we weren't going to have much, but like everything else this year it happened late! Your quilt looks very comfy and I love the colors. Fall is my favorite time of the year. Spring will look nice too though I'm sure!

  29. I love your wonderful soup Cathy. Nothing is cozier than a hot bowl of soup and a pretty quit to wrap up in!
    Our fall folige in Missouri is beautiful this year also, just like our weather. I love it- but I don't like the winter that comes after it.

  30. the soup looks great, and i LOVE the book you got, how fun!

  31. Oh my! Your soup looks amazing. There's something about barley that is just delicious!

  32. I can never have too much yummy, hearty soup at this time of year. I can see why you'd make this one over and looks delicious! Perfect comfort food.

  33. I have quilt projects, but never seem to have time. Maybe after the holidays. Then I have more fabric than I realized. I recently found two large boxes of fabric in my storage. I think I will put some out next year at our neighborhood garage sale. I need to lighten the load.

  34. You're so talented Cathy! that soup is so enticing, one look at it and you just know it tastes amazing. A warm fire, an amazing aroma in the air and nice and cozy under a flannel quilt with bowl of soup in hand, my kind of day!

  35. What a wonderfully comforting soup! And your flannel throw is beautiful!

  36. Your soup looks so tempting! I made my Aunt Hen's Beef Barley Soup recently. Of course it's different but then it is much the same: hearty, nutritious and warming to the bone on a cool fall evening. Nice photo too!

  37. Such a great idea to freeze herbs and veggies that you don't use. I need to start doing that. Your quilt is gorgeous!

  38. I love the chewy texture of barley in soup. This photo is mouthwatering! I love your pumpkin bowl!

  39. We had beautiful foliage here too...however, I have to admit that yours looks spectacular indeed.
    So it seems that your talents are vast...quilting is certainly a beautiful hobby and you seem to do it very well Cathy ;o)

    Have a great week,

  40. What a beautiful quilt!

    Take care-

  41. I love that pot and that quilt.
    I also made barley soup this weel that time of the year.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy