Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Own Blog Book...And a Giveaway!

Last month I celebrated the two year anniversary of Wives with Knives.
When I started blogging I couldn't imagine that I would have enough to say
to write posts for two months, let alone two years.
It's been an amazing journey.
When I reached the one year mark I decided that, on my next anniversary date, 
I would have my precious blog made into a book, something that I could hold in my hands
 that would tell the story of a very important part of my life.

I recently received an email from Julie at Blog2Print, a company that makes books out of blogs, 
and she asked me if I was interested in having my blog professionally printed in book form and
 would I like to host a giveaway.  I was thrilled!

With Blog2Print you can print your blog posts and pictures and include comments if you wish. 
I selected a sampling of posts over my two years of blogging that included trips to Europe
and lots of photos from my farmers' market so my book is essentially
a personal diary of my first two years. I chose a hard cover, but soft cover
is available as well.

I personalized my book by dedicating it to my family. I started my blog as a way
 of preserving my recipes and family history
 for my children and grandchildren.

A table of contents makes it easy to see at a glance which posts are
included in the book.

Posts are beautifully laid out and easy to read.
You can also add extra pages of photographs of your choosing.

I included a post that was a tribute to my Mother
on her 86th birthday.  As luck would have it my book arrived the day before
my Mom's birthday last month and I was able to give it to her as a gift.
She was thrilled to see herself in print.

The book I gave my Mother was a selection of posts
 and now I'm going to have my entire blog printed in several volumes.

Blog2Print has thought of everything and will help you put together
a book that will become a family treasure.

If you are curious to know how your blog would look as a book just click on
and they will show you a sample.  Go try it.  It's fun!

My book is on my coffee table in my living room and I'm so proud of it.
I browse through it often and love to see my family pick it up and comment on the recipes
and stories. 

And now, thanks to Blog2Print, one of you will have the opportunity to
have your story professionally printed as well.

All you need to do is become a follower of Wives with Knives and
leave a comment.  That's it!   The winner will receive a $40 gift certificate to Blog2Print
and the giveaway is open to bloggers world wide.  If you live outside the United States
  you will be responsible for the shipping for your book. A winner will be selected on Thursday, November 4.

Blog2Print now offers "Blog2Print Autosave" where, for a small subscription fee,
they will preserve a blog on a monthly or quarterly basis.  Each month or quarter they mail a PDF 
of published posts and retain a copy in their records in case the blogger's copies are lost.  The file is automatically generated and sent by email.

This is such a great service! I don't know a blogger who doesn't worry about losing all their hard work 
and creativity because of some computer glitch.  I urge you to check into it.

I hope you will leave a comment so you have the opportunity to
win a book of your own.


  1. Wow congratulations on making your blog into a book! It looks beautiful.

  2. Cathy, I love it. I have been thinking of doing it. My daughter has now done two. They are wonderful to have, and of course, should you ever lose your lose your blog for any reason, you then have it forever in print. I am going to hop over and take a look at the company you named. I am sure your book is lovely.

  3. Cathy, what a beautiful book!! Please enter me in the drawing. I have been to this site before. I hesitate because I do not all total recipes on my blog, but it still would be a great remembrance, wouldn't it. Good job!!!!

  4. Cathy, I saw another blogger friend's book she created and I made a decision to do that for myself. Now, you've done it, too. Your book is GORGEOUS and I was hoping you were giving a copy of yours away. I'd love to have one! Still, maybe I'll win a certificate. Your mom's tribute was special. How I wish my own mom was still alive so I could give her one.

  5. That's a great idea! Luv your book.

  6. What a great idea! Your book looks wonderful.

  7. Looks to be a lovely book. What a great idea. I check your blog each day to see what's new.

  8. I would love to browse through your book!
    Of course I am a follower and what a wonderful give away!
    Have a great weekend, Cathy!

  9. Cathy,
    I am a follower. I have been thinking of doing this for quite a while. Now I definitely will.


  10. Cathy...just by some brief photos in this post...I can see how proud you are of this mini masterpiece. I could only imagine how thrilled my Mom would be too ;o)
    I've given this book some thought also and decided to at least wait until I finished a complete first year of my culinary journey. Thanks for this giveaway.
    As I've mentioned before...I've been following you on my Foodie roll ;o)
    Again, well done.

    Ciao for now,

  11. I've heard about this and thought it sounded like such a neat idea. Your blog book looks beautiful. It's great to hear how wonderful this turned out. Congratulations on two years. :)

  12. I have considered doing that too. It is a great idea.

  13. Cathy -- Although I like comments and linking to linky parties -- can you delete these? What a fun way to "scrapbook" the memories of your beautiful blog. I am a follower and thanks for hosting the giveaway. Joni

  14. Cathy, this is so fabulous! First, congratulations on 2 years; I know that time really flies when you're having fun and I know you are. I'm so glad to hav discovered your blog and you! This book is simply beautiful! Just beautiful and I'd be proud to own a copy!

  15. Your book is beautiful! I love the idea of being able to do it for my own blog.

  16. Cathy, that is so awesome! What a wonderful way to share your blog. I like having a goal for year two! You do a fabulous job and your recipes are always great.

  17. Thank you so much for your comments, everyone.

    Joni - You can leave out the comments but, if the links are part of a post, I'm sure they would be included in your book. They were in mine. You could email the company with that questions. They are excellent about answering any questions that come up.

  18. Wow! What an amazing treasure! It's been a wonderful journey the past 2 years watching your recipes, stories and pictures. I bet Gramma was so happy and in awe of all your hard work. You do such amazing posts. I know I can't win (since I'm your daughter) but what an amazing treasure to have. I hope to have my blog printed as well to pass down to my kids some day.

    Keep posting Mom! Love you!

  19. I would love that:) I'm in and I bet your book is fabulous..I started my blog because of Jain:) But wanted my daughters to have access to all the recipes..I have heard of this company.. now w/ your's a good recommendation.

  20. love this!! Such a great idea!

  21. I would love that! What a wonderful gift, Cathy, and what a gracious offer from Blog2Print!

  22. Great idea! I've done a few photo books through Apple that turned out very nice, but haven't heard of Blog2Print until now.

  23. Thanks for the great giveaway!


    zekks at yahoo dot com

  24. That's such a great idea- I'm sure your mom loved her gift. I'd love to do this!

  25. Yes Cathy, I have been to their site and they're so pro in making those printings. I love yours as well. I wonder how many copies have you printed! ha... Thanks so much for sharing. I would love to own one of yours too.

  26. Hi Cathy....sign me up for a chance to win this great giveaway....your book looks wonderful...I was so excited when I first saw how mine came. I will certanily check out this companies product...Very glad to see you had one made and I do love the cover.....Sue

  27. Cathy, that is so cool! I just took a look at what my book could look like. Please enter me in your giveaway and thanks for introducing me to this product. I really want to have one done. Kudos on your blog!

  28. Great book...great idea. Thanks for passing it on.

  29. What a wonderful idea. I would love winning this. I am already a follower. Your book looks wonderful.

  30. Last year I had mine put in the soft cover book from Blog2Print and loved it - want to do a hardcover one for this definitely enter me in your giveaway!!

  31. Wow! Your blog book looks cool! It's so professionally done! I am already a follower of your blog:)

  32. That looks FAAAABULOUS! Congratulations - and also thanx for being one of my blog's first international visitors!!

    Happy travels!!!

  33. I have seen this before and think it is such a wonderful idea. I would love to see my blog in a book form. You must really love yours. You have a wonderful blog and wonderful recipes, and it must be nice to see all of the time and effort you put into your blog in a book:) And you have some beautiful pics; so it must look really nice.

  34. This is a wonderful keepsake that your friends and family can hold in their hands.

  35. Cathy - it's a great idea and a beautiful book! I want one!!!

  36. I am a follower here and on Facebook. I think this is such a cool thing. I'm so glad it is turning into a great way to share memories with your family, how wonderful!

  37. This is such a wonderful idea! I would love to have a book with my favorite posts in it! How awesome! Thanks! I'm a new follower now, too! Love your blog! ♥

  38. Whoo-hoo - this is the best giveaway ever!! I didn't even know there was such a service available. I'm headed right over there to find out more.


  39. They contacted me too but I haven't had a chance to create my book... did it take you long? Yours looks GREAT!

  40. Congratulations on your anniversary. You and I must have started just about the same time. And look at all the followers you have!
    I love the book idea. I've been thinking of doing something like this too. What a great way to preserve all the hard work.

  41. I love your blog, your recipes and your trip blogs. My sister mentioned you to me and have been following since. I look forward to winning that new book:) Best wishes.

  42. Cathy, congratulations on your book. That is fantastic and definitely something to be proud of! I can imagine you mother's amazement with it and I'm sure she is so proud of you! This is a great service and thanks for this nice informative post!

  43. This is what makes blogging so great, turning it into a book. Yours looks just beautiful. Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary! Thanks Cathy for a chance to win.

  44. Hi Cathy, congrats on your 2nd blogiversary and on your book. It really is a wonderful way to keep your recipes and memories in a safe place.

    As I was reading your post,though, I was thinking, "Why don't you sell copies of your cookbook?" I know would add it to my collection. The recipes that I have tried from your blog have always been delicious.

    Count me in on the giveaway. I have been a follower of yours since the beginning.

    Take care,

  45. I love your blog! It's a great one that I follow often. And a book is a great idea. I would love to do something like that. And, I agree with Rosa. I would definitely buy your cookbook!
    Best wishes-

  46. Wonderful book! I read your blog and use your recipes often. Right now I have taken a break from blogging myself for personal reasons but will return in Jan. Blogging has certainly opened up a whole new world to share thoughts and make world wide friendships.

  47. Cathy, first of all congratulations on your second anniversary. That's an accomplishment that we can all appreciate.

    I finally got my Blog book also, about a week ago. It's wonderful to have everything in a hard bound book.

    Please leave me out of the give-away because I already have my blog book and I would want someone else to have the joy of their own book.

  48. Congratulations! The book looks wonderful.
    Thanks, Cathy, for this wonderful giveaway! I have been a follower for long!

  49. What a Wonderful gift to yourself & to your family members, Cathy! I've been thinking of doing this ever since I saw CeeKay's books.

    I've had you on my Google Reader list & on my sidebar of my blog F-O-R-E-V-E-R but strangely, I didn't show up on your followers list.??? I'm THERE NOW!!!! Duh? Blonde moments or *mental-pause*, I'm not sure which.

    Thanks for making it possible for one of us to win such a nice gift!!!


  50. What a great idea! I have all my mother's 5 year diaries and regretted that I have no diary to pass down to my children as mine is online. Now I can!

  51. I;m your newest follower and so glad I found you!! I was thinking of doing this, have been getting the emails from them, but have been putting it off! You have convinced me to carry it out! have ag reat weekend, love your site!


  52. I friend of mine made your (Martha's) banana bread and sent me to your blog for the recipe. What a great find. Congratulations on your book. What a great idea!

  53. What a fabulous idea, Cathy! I love coming here and seeing what your Farmers' Market has available - and your photos are always such a welcome pictorial of that!

    Thank you for sharing such a precious part of your life. You are pure class, my friend!

  54. WOW! That's all I can say. I am in awe....I love it.

  55. Fabulous idea!! I love it!! I am off to check out the site. GREAT giveaway!!

  56. I looks beautiful, Cathy! After seeing the way yours came out, I'd love to have one made. Great giveaway! :)

  57. I love the blogtobook idea. You can bet I'll be doing that also, it will have to be on my 3rd anniversary however.

  58. How wonderful my friend....This is just fabulous to see your hard work done in a wonderful book. I would love to have and be thrilled to keep a copy in my collection of cook books.

  59. wow can we buy your book is there a link? and great giveaway love your blog

  60. Congratulations on your cookbook. I can only imagine the satisfaction from seeing your hard work in print.

  61. I'm already a follower. Just got back from vacation where I met up with two of my blogging "friends" and we talked about having our blogs made into books. So, I'm happy to see your book and have your input. Of course I would love to be the winner!!


  62. Congratulations on your 2-year anniversary and your cookbook. I have been interested in doing this also, and seeing your blog in hard copy is very inspirational.

  63. What a wonderful idea. And yours in book form would be a treasure. I am an official follower now although you've been on my side bar for quite some time. Thanks for the generous offer.

  64. I made a family cookbook several years back, Cathy with old family recipes and photos.
    I've read more recently about this idea...I think it's super! Would love to win your giveaway!

  65. Cathy, what a wonderful idea and I have thought about doing that! Yours looks like a beautiful book and no doubt you are proud of it... it's your fine work.

    Since I'm already a follower and have you on my site in the blog roll, I would definitely like to be a part of the drawing. Thanks for such a nice opportunity.

  66. What a cool idea! I love reading your recipes.

  67. What a treasure! I'm fairly new at blogging and, like you, wonder if I'll soon run out of things to say, but I would love to have the opportunity of having what I do say made into a book. What a lovely thing to pass down to the family.

  68. I love your blog and would love it in book form. I have been wanting to do my own blog as a book. Now I have the info. Thank you

  69. Kathy, I adore your blog, and I think it would be gorgeous in book form! My friend Janie (who is a photographer) did this, and her book was lovely, too.

    I have had you on my link list forever, and I come visit you regularly. So I thought I was following. LOL! But I am following now, too.


    Sheila :-)

  70. Argh! And I need to learn to spell, too! Not only am I technologically challenged, but I have become Lady Typo! I know it's Cathy with a "C," and not Kathy with a "K"... but you have to forgive me as one of my nearest and dearest friends is one of the "K" group, and I keep doing it. It's like a lemming to the sea. Argh!


    Sheila :-)

  71. I have a blog that I would LOVE to publish with Blog2Print, but it's a wee pricey for me right now. I would really love to win this giveaway!

  72. Looks awesome - would love to do one as well!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy