Friday, October 1, 2010

Roasted Corn and Bacon Chowder from StoneGable and Yvonne's Blogiversary

I don't know how it happened, but September just got away from me.  It feels like the first of September was last week, and now here it is - the first of October.  School has started, leaves are beginning to accumulate along the edges of the garden, and warm days are followed by crisp, chilly nights.  But no matter what the daytime temperatures, when I flip my calendar to October I'm ready for soup.

My friend, Yvonne at StoneGable, recently posted a recipe for Roasted Corn and Bacon Chowder that is lip smacking delicious.  She roasts ears of corn, cuts the kernels off the cobs and combines them with smoky bacon in this wonderful, tummy warming soup.  Rather than my sharing the recipe I hope you go to StoneGable to see how Yvonne prepares this soup.  She has step by step directions with the most beautiful photos you've ever seen. She's a master with the camera and her table settings are beyond stunning.

As  frosting on the cake (or bacon on the bowl of soup in this case) you will have the opportunity to enter Yvonne's 1st year blogiversary and you just might win one of her gorgeous handmade wreaths.  She even has a wreath making tutorial so you can make one for yourself  if you are so inclined.  Yvonne has included some of her very special treats with the wreath and the thought of winning has me jumping up and down with anticipation.  I do hope you will visit StoneGable and wish Yvonne a very happy day!

Friday is a very special day in bloggie land where folks from far and wide
 join Michael Lee at Designs by Gollum to celebrate Foodie Friday
  I hope you will stop by for a visit.


Lori, at All that Splatters, and Ann, at Thibeault's Table, have brought back an event
 that I think is very special.  Ann and Lori will alternate hosting each week
  Weekend Blog Showcase
where we will have the opportunity to share recipes from our favorite blogs.
I'm looking forward to this lively exchange as we get into the holiday season and can't wait to meet new friends.  I hope you will stop by All that Splatters and visit this week's participants.


  1. Well, I'll head right on over.......

  2. What an honor for Yvonne..

    You both have such talents!

  3. A really nice looking bowl of chowder! Sounds delicious.

  4. The presentation is great - looks delicious.

  5. I spend a lot of time over at Yvonne's. One cannot come away without viewing every last detail!!


  6. I'll have to see if I can still find corn on the cob at the farmers' market. This looks wonderful!

  7. I would adore a bowl of this right this minute!

  8. The soup looks delicious...perfect Fall dish! Yum!

  9. On a chilly day such as today, it would taste so good!

  10. This looks so darn delicious! Soup is always good. But add fresh corn and bacon - oh my heck!

  11. Bring on the soup weather!! September got away from me too Cathy! Doesn't Yvonne just post the most wonderful things!!

    October Blessings!

  12. Sounds like a wonderful blog and an equally wonderful soup! Will definitely check it out..thanks!

  13. I love soups, especially soups with substance. I don't know why I don't make them more often! Yours looks beautiful, Cathy. I'm heading over to Yvonne's for the recipe. Thanks!

  14. Yep, I agree and I'm in Florida where we won't feel fall until December - Chili on the menu plan for this weekend :-)

  15. What a wonderful meal for a fall evening. Off to check out her site.

  16. The chowder looks delicious. And I know what you mean about September getting away from you - I couldn't believe today was the first of October.

  17. As corn is my favourite vegetable, and corn season's coming right up here down under in Australia, I'll be enjoying this longer than y'all!!

    Happy travels!!

  18. Yum! The chowder looks great! Great combo, Cathy :)!

  19. Sounds like a delicious chowder Cathy. Great photo too.

    Have a very merry day.

  20. It is now soup season here in France, too - cool and rainy and this chowder is perfect! I love the flavors!

  21. I just love homemade soup this time of the year. The recipe looks wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. I feel like September has gotten away from me because we're still having summer temperatures. I just made my corn chowder. Summer temps or not, I'm still craving soup.

  23. One of my favorite chowders- yum! Today actually feels like Autumn here. A perfect chowder day
    xoxo Pattie

  24. Sounds like a GREAT blog...and I love finding passing it along

  25. Looks delicious! And today is the first Fallish day we have had!
    I made the plum torte! Delicious, so similar to my mom's recipe. I posted it and linked back to your recipe.
    Hope you having a good weekend!

  26. Cathy, that looks delicious and perfect for fall.

    I have missed you! Wanted to drop by from my exile and thank you for your prayers for Mr. M. He is much better, YEA!, and I am no longer required for nursing duty, YEA!, but I have to deal with the mountain of things I put on the backburner before I can allow myself to blog again. Hopefully in a week or so.

    Here's wishing you a very happy weekend.

    Big hugs...


    Sheila :-)

  27. Yay for soup season! This looks so comforting.

  28. Cathy this looks so good! It's going to be 57 degrees tomarrow, a great day for soup!

  29. I am so ready for soup as well! I am such a fan of chowders and this one looks so terrific with the fresh roasted corn!

  30. What a lovely chowder, Cathy. I love the idea of roasting the corn first...must impart some lovely deep flavors. Of course, it always helps to top it off with bacon!

  31. YUM!! This is such a gorgeous looking bowl of soup!!

  32. I love that you used this for Weekend Blog Showcase!! Thanks for 'playing', Cathy! :D

  33. I love corn chowder and yours looks incredible!!

  34. Your bowl of soup looks very delicious, can imagine the flavors of bacon and corn in that soup, yum! Hopping over to Gablestone check out the recipe:D Thanks for the direction.

  35. Will definitely have to ear mark this for next year when we have fresh corn again..looks scrumptious!

  36. I have been CRAVING this very soup. I was pondering how to make it, and you solved the problem. You're a doll! On my way...

  37. This is very soon as it cools back down it will be on the table!

  38. Cathy, that soup looks delicious. I hope I can still find some local corn.



Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy