Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Market Notes ~ the end of the season

Just two more Saturdays and this year's farmer's market season will come to its end.
I get many comments about my market posts and thought you might
enjoy seeing the last few pictures before I pack it up for the year.

That quite the display of brussel sprouts!

Artichokes are beautiful when they bloom.

Happy little Halloween faces.

Cabbages the size of basketballs.

Pineapple tomatillos.  The sign says they are very sweet. 

The corn is still sweet and tender.

This is the time of year for very large vegetables.
Aren't these cauli's beautiful?

I hope you've enjoyed visiting the farmers' market with me this season.
I'll see you here again next year on our opening day, Mother's Day Weekend.


  1. Wow..those artichokes are something else!

  2. I for one do luv seeing the great fruits and veggies.

    I follow a blogger that grows the ground cherries. I think I'm going to order seeds from her.

  3. I'd love some of all of it! Are artichokes still edible after they bloom like that? They look amazing.

    What a bounty to choose from! Thank you for sharing your FM photos. Love them!

  4. I am so jealous you still have sweet corn! Our early warm weather and hot summer made many of the crops come and go early this year. I tried to find pickling cucumbers last weekend and was told they were done for the season. I did pick up a nice stalk of brussels sprouts though. Love the displays! My favorite market is supposed to be open until the Saturday after Thanksgiving although I've never gone that late.

  5. I better head to the market for the last of the conr on the cob..

  6. Your end of the season is amazing..the cauliflower and cabbage I would scoop up in a minute! Can't believe you ar still getting corn, you definitely must live in the ideal area for produce!

  7. I wish I could grow brussel sprouts that looked that good.

  8. In Southern California our farmer's markets are year round, so I can only imagine what it means not to have your lovely farmer's market for the next few months.
    I made your candy corn cookies and they were a big hit with my family and neighbors.

  9. Oh what gorgeous veggies!!! I LOVE brussel sprouts and I love to buy them on stalk when I can find them, and use them for a tablescape in the fall. I can't tell you how anxious my mom and I are to come to Portland in the spring!!!!!

  10. My market closed already. I am devastated. Maybe it is tome to move to a warmer climate one day, where the markets are open all year round.Yes, your pictures of the market are wonderful.

  11. Cathy, I always enjoy your market photos. Those Brussels sprouts are amazing. Fresh Market is the only place here where we can buy them still on the stems like that. But we are getting lovely cauliflowers! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  12. Oh I need to visit once more. Saturday I may be in Beaverton. If I am, I will stop by. Enjoy the end of the season.

  13. Everything looks so fresh, I can't believe you're still getting corn! Took me a minute to figure out the brussels sprouts... wouldn't mind some of them:@)

  14. Our market has been gone for a while; all that produce looks wonderful. Fall is magical in your corner.

  15. Cathy, I think I have commented on how lucky you are to have such a nice farmer's market -- great pics and it is always a little sad when seasonal things have there ending. Joni

  16. Those are brussel sprouts? How amazing is that display? You could have taken that photo at a distance and played guess what with us!!

  17. Interesting, I have never heard ground cherries called pineapple tomatillos. My grandmother used to make the best ground cherry jams and pies. All my favorite veggies, in beautiful display.

  18. Cathy, such beautiful produce and photos. I have started some cabbage for the winter in hopes that we don't get a freeze too early.

  19. Beautiful! Those brussels sprouts are amazing! Our farmers market ended two weekends ago :(. I think I am counting down the weekends till Spring.

  20. That was a fun trip, Cathy! I always love going to the farmer's market with you and seeing what you have on the West Coast. Do you know, I don't think I have ever seen artichokes at the farmer's market? That's interesting about them being best when in bloom. I'll remember that! :-)



  21. Beautiful photos. Everything looks so good. I have never seen artichokes like that..interesting:)

  22. That brussel sprout display is gorgeous, actually everything is! I'm sure you're going to miss all that bounty, but look what you have to look forward to!

  23. I can't believe you still have fresh corn this late in the year. Everything looks great! I like the bloomed artichokes!

  24. Beautiful produce! I especially love those brussels sprouts. :)

  25. I am always sad when our Farmer's Markets and my local farm stand is closed for winter. I already miss my strawberries. Well, it's time for soups & stews again.

  26. Oh just how I love visiting Farmer's market place. Great stuffs at great bargain!*sigh* Have fun!

  27. Thank you Cathy for that very enjoyable visit. It also saddens me that soon our market will have to close too.

    Have a great day,

  28. Love these photos. I have never ever seen an artichoke in bloom!

  29. Oh wow, a tree of brussel sprouts! Impressive.

  30. I've never heard of pineapple tomatillos. LOVE that pic of the brussel sprouts!

  31. I learn so much from you, Cathy! I didn't know artichokes bloomed like that & I have never heard nor tasted "Pineapple tomatillos". I lead such a sheltered life. *sigh* LOL

    Awesome photos!

  32. I enjoyed reading your market posts too Cathy... love to see all the beautiful vegetables and flowers on display.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy