Sunday, October 17, 2010

Devilishly Delicious Devils Food Cupcakes with Orange Buttercream Icing ~ And A New Friend

I'm gradually getting into the spirit of the season with my baking and decorating, but for the life of me I can't face the box of Halloween cookie cutters and pastry bags and tips and make sugar cookies. I still have two weeks and things might change, but I'm not betting on it.  I'm on the lookout for good recipes that don't require all the work and don't leave my kitchen with a sugar coating from one end to the other.  I did pipe   orange buttercream on cupcakes this morning and I was reminded what a mess I can make in the kitchen so that's probably the end of that for now.

What could be more appropriate for Halloween than devilishly good Devils Food Cupcakes?  They are rich and chocolate-y and the slightly tart orange buttercream is the perfect topping. Thanks to the little skulls and crossbones I think they look pretty scary, too. Certainly passable Halloween treats in my house.


I have a new friend I would like to introduce you to.  I met Linda last Spring when she emailed me and asked if she could use several of my recipes and photographs (Dungeness Crab Louie and Papa Haydn's Oregon Hazelnut Torte) on her website, What's Cooking America. I'm always flattered to get that request and wanted to visit her before I emailed back.  What I found was one of the most information packed cooking sites I've ever seen.  She has put together an encyclopedia of American cooking that impressed the heck out of me. There is everything from recipes for just about any dish you could imagine to a list of food related newspaper columns in major newspapers in the U.S. to the history of hundreds of traditional American dishes.  I have trouble managing my little blog and I can't even imagine how Linda keeps thousands of pages of information in such perfect order. What's Cooking in America is an amazing resource for those of us who are always looking for information, new ideas, cooking equipment, recipes, and other food related things.

We emailed back and forth several times and soon realized that, of all the places in the world two web surfers might live, Linda and I are just several miles from each other here in the Pacific Northwest. Hard to imagine, isn't it? What are the odd of that! We've met  and enjoyed each other's company and I look forward to getting to know her better.

I hope you will visit Linda at What's Cooking America.  I know you will be impressed by the wealth of information on the site and will find recipes you can't wait to try.  I regularly browse through the food sections of newspapers across the country in search of articles on regional foods.  Here are a few recipe selections that you might enjoy. 

Corn Velvet Soup with Dungeness Crab

Shrimp Paella


I'm joining Ann at Thibeault's Table and Lori at All that Splatters today for

Weekend Blog Showcase

I love this event because it gives us the opportunity to share new recipes and wonderful blogs like

What's Cooking America
I hope you stop by for a visit.  Be prepared to stay awhile.


  1. Thanks for the link to a new site.

  2. My goodness, those cupcake look marvellous! Wish I can have a few. yummm.... Thanks! Hope you're having a great day!

  3. You're right, Cathy - I could get lost in that website! Thanks for providing it (a new place to play!) and for participating in Weekend Blog Showcase.

    And the cupcakes look delish!

  4. Your cupcakes look so gorgeous, I love the orange frosting! Must be yummy!

  5. Oh no - cupcakes AND a link to another site I'll be unable to resist.......I'm sunk!

  6. Those look so festive - and my hubby would faint dead away if I made them. hmmm . . .

  7. What a wonderful story, Cathy, and what beautiful cupcakes! The buttercream frosting looks so soft and delicious and chocolate is my favorite kind of cake. I've been trying very hard to stay away from sweets for a little while. It's so hard to love cooking and baking and keep the pounds from accumulating. I'm off to get out What's Cooking America!

  8. Cathy, your cupcakes look delicous. The color alone is perfect for this time of year. How do you get that buttercream to do that swirly thing? I would LOVE to see some festive cookies too! Thanks for the heads-up about What's Cooking America, I'll check it out!!!

    BTW~ I think that I don't enjoy baking so much because I can totally destroy my kitchen when I bake. I need lessons in how to be a neat baker.
    xo Yvonne

  9. The cupcakes are adorable..I love the idea of orange and chocolate..and you having a new friend!

  10. Your cupcakes looks great! You take the most beautiful photos. I know exactly what you mean about making cut-out cookies. I have been trying to motivate myself to make some too:)

    That is really amazing that you live so close to your blogging friend, Linda. It really is a small world. I am looking forward to checking out her blog.

  11. Your cupcakes look delish. Well worth the messy kitchen. I hope you find the energy to for the Halloween sugar cookies. I'd love to see them.

    I'm off to check out your new friend.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Do you just sit around and dream up the most creative things ever, or do you get your inspiration from others and then take it to a new level? Cathy, you never cease to amaze me. These are DARLING, and I know good and well, they are delicious! And look at that cute stuff on your FF slide show on the right. Girl, you are rockin' my world!

    It's always fun to meet a kindred spirit, and it never ceases to amaze me how the people we love on our blogs end up being just as nice in person. If only I were out west, I would look you up in a heartbeat... the only danger there is... you would have to cook for me! ;-)

    Have missed you and your wonderful blog. Your friend sounds great, too!


    Sheila :-)

  13. Make that on the "left"... you know, the other right! ;-) I must be a Romper Room Reject! ;-)

  14. Your cupcakes look super yummy! And I love your toppers! How festive!!! And the colorful backdrop... LOVE IT!!!!!

  15. Oh they look so good! And yes, love the backdrop too!

  16. Halloween is not such a big deal in Australia, but with those FAAAAABULOUS cupcakes, maybe I'll start a new trend!! Love the look and flavour combination!!

    Happy travels!!

  17. Your cupcakes are perfect for Halloween! Off to check out What's Cooking America.

  18. Small world!

    Cup cakes look really good.

  19. These look delicious! I love your pumpkin header--fall at it's best!!

    I'm going to check out What's Cooking America.


  20. Great post Cathy. These cupcakes are so inviting with the chocolate/orange combo and the cute picks. Your butter-cream is beautiful!

  21. Can I say that they are cute rather than scary? hehe

  22. They look so good and tasty! and not scary.
    What a great combination!

  23. The cupcakes look right in season with Halloween!

    I smiled when I read about your aftermath in the kitchen. Somehow, I use so many bowls & utensils & leave much to clean. :)

  24. are very creative with your cupcake designs! Happy Halloween!

  25. Cupcakes look perfect - love the taste of chocolate and orange. Yur wrappers add a special touch also! Off to see Linda's site.

    Love your pumpkin header!!!

  26. Festive cupakes! Thanks for the heads up on Whats Cooking America.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy