Friday, September 24, 2010

Roasted Poblano Pizza

Friday is the perfect pizza day.  By the end of the week I'm ready for an easy to put together dinner, and any leftovers are great snacks for the weekend.  It is also the way to use up bits of meats and vegetables  left over  from the week's menus.  I had several roasted poblano peppers from earlier in the week that I hadn't stuffed and odds and ends of mozzarella and parmesan cheese, plus half a red onion, chopped mushrooms, and a little tomato sauce. 

I made my favorite pizza dough, prebaked it in a 475 degree oven for about 5 minute, and then added my favorite pizza sauce and toppings and baked the pie an additional 10-12 minutes.  The prebaking ensures a nice crispy crust.  This was a great combination of flavors and I liked the little kick from the poblanos.

Sometimes it's difficult to get away from my booth at the farmers market
 so I'll tuck a slice or two into my backpack tomorrow for a tasty lunch.

Today is Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.
I hope you will stop for a visit.


  1. Cathy, I think that's the most delicious photo of a pizza I've ever seen. I'm all for easy on Friday too.

  2. A work of art! Great photo-enjoy:@)

  3. I have to say..That this is Vogue..magazine...for a Pizza.

  4. This honestly leaves me weak from hunger. I just want to reach in for a piece. And I'll bet it will be delicious at tomorrow's market straight from your backpack.


  5. GULP!!! I'm hungry!! Guess what!!! My Mom and I are coming to Portland!! We are both major foodies, as you must surely know by now. And we have a niece that lives very near there. So...we are thinking maybe March or April, for the spring veggies at the market. Does the market run just on Saturday? I can't wait to see your fair city, eat at all the good places, and meet you as well!!!!

  6. That looks SO good! I have such a wimpy family- they don't do heat well, so I have to spice up my own. This is gorgeous!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. It looks awesome and I like the chiles on it. Sure beats the doctored up frozen one we're having cause no one wants to cook tonight.

  8. Friday is pizza day around here too, but I must admit I don't always make it

  9. That looks so good! Weather should be perfect for market tomorrow. Have a good day!

  10. Cathy...that looks devine!! I have been craving roasted poblanos and have been stuffing them with cream cheese & sharp cheddar....BUT now I want PIZZA, lol!


  11. What a gorgeous picture! I know it tastes as good as it looks!

  12. That is one beautiful pizza. My daughter loves peppers on pizza. I be she would like the poblanos even better:)

  13. I WANT THAT PIZZA. Could a pizza look any better?

    I have dough in the fridge that I think now will be destined for pizza tomorrow.


  14. I'm all for pizza on Friday nights- yours looks absolutely perfect!

  15. What an impressive pizza...better than what I see outside! You inspire me to learn to make pizza :D Thanks very much for sharing, Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  16. Looks FAAAABULOUS!! Isn't it amazing that pizzas with leftovers get the most compliments?!

    Happy travels!

  17. Cathy, the top picture is stunning! Looks like a front page menu of a restaurant and that is definitely something I wanna to order for sure! haha.... Thanks for sharing and hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  18. Cathy...are you getting ready to add your own pizza stand at the market?
    This pizza is a stunner ;o))

    Buon appetito,

  19. My goodness, that looks delicious, Cathy! What a picture-perfect-pizza. Say that 3 times fast!

  20. Do you know, I have never made a homemade it too late to try? Perhaps if I bought ready made dough from the market. I never seem to think of making it until it's too late to start from scratch.

  21. My boys would love this pizza, and so would I, look at all those cheese melting on the top! Yummy!

  22. That is one great-looking pizza, Cathy. It's a stormy Saturday here - perfect pizza-making weather. You have me hungry for it. Perfect crust - wow!

  23. I would have to leave off the peppers, but I am in for the rest of it! Great pic!

  24. That is one good looking pizza. Where was I and why didn't I drop by this day? Crud!

    You take amazing pictures, Mom!

  25. What a lovely and original pie, Cathy. I know I'd enjoy a slice of this. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  26. What a great way to use your poblano peppers! I could eat this pizza for breakfast right now! :)

  27. Cathy, I have an award for you. please feel free to hop over to collect it. You deserved it! Thank you.

  28. Awsome pizza. I hate bell peppers, but luv poblano. Go figure....

  29. An especially delicious looking pizza!

  30. I bought some chiles at the Farmers Market a few weeks ago - I wish I'd thought to have them on pizza! I did eat them every other which way, though ;)

  31. That is one awesome pizza.

  32. Once again, you've hit a home run. Looks beautiful and delicious.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy