Monday, May 9, 2011

Paris Shopping - Cookware

The first stop on our Paris tour is E. Dehillerin, a two century old professional kitchenware shop
 at 18 et 20 rue Coquilliere  at Le Halles.  This is essentially a restaurant supply store
and much of their stock isn't suitable for the home cook but they do carry enough  home sized
items that we felt like we were in foodie heaven.

Two years ago my daughter and I bought copper pots here and we love them for their beauty and functionality so came back on our recent trip to buy more.  They have every size and shape you could imagine
and narrowing down our choices took time.  There are several large cooking stores in the area but 
Dehillerin has the best selection of almost everything and is the most reasonably priced.
It is very expensive to have items shipped home so I recommend buying what will fit into your suitcase.

I've read complaints about their customer service, but we were more than happy with the help we received.
Emile introduced himself when we arrived and stayed with us for the several hours it took to pick out pots, utensils, bakeware, and knives.  He even arranged for a taxi to take us back to our hotel so we didn't have to wrestle with the Metro with all our heavy bags. 

Dehillerin is famous for its copper and it is sold in every size and shape imaginable. The pots are lined in either tin or the more durable stainless steel.  Copper is a small part of their inventory and you will find just about any other imaginable contraption to wash, cut, boil, steam, bake, mold or serve food.

Be sure to carefully look over the display on the landing of the staircase to the basement.
We found Revol lion's head bowls for a small fraction of the price at home
and perfect shallow dishes for our favorite creme brulee.

Stainless steel food containers, bread and cake pans of all sizes,
hundreds of tart pans and rings, funnels, cookie cutters

Knives, peeler, serving utensils, silicon molds,
decorative baking tins,
pastry tips and bags, spatulas, whisks

measuring cups of every size,
ladles up to 1 gallon size (can you imagine how much that must weigh?)
pan liners, pie plates, scoops,
cooling racks

Knives, knives, knives, and more knives

The gigantic, restaurant size pots are in the basement.
They are fun to look at and to imagine what might be simmering away in them
in the famous restaurants around the city.

If you visit Dehillerin be sure to go down to the basement and look around.
The building is old and so very interesting.

I would love to take a peek at what is up this staircase.

We took a little shopping break and had a wonderful lunch
 at a cafe next door to the store.
This gave us time to talk over our possible purchases so we didn't make any mistakes.
Its hard to fight that impulse of wanting to buy everything, 
you know what I mean?
the "I may never get back here again so I better buy it while I can"  train of thought.
In the end we were prudent, bought only what we could carry home,
and are thrilled with all the great memories we have of our unbelievably fun 
 shopping day in Paris.

bonne journee


  1. Shriek.....when I die, please bury me here!

  2. Cathy, love the photos. Restraint does need to be put on the front burner, so to speak, as you still have to get all the goodies home!!! Such fun!!!

  3. Now that's what I call eye candy! Looks like a great shop and a fun way to spend an afternoon:@)

  4. Oh I would love to shop there! I would need a day or 2! Glad you had fun!

  5. It is difficult to not buy everything you first lay your eyes on! You were wise to sit and talk about it...carrying it home is still a challenge and heavy!!

    Love your new layout/design!

  6. Amazing!!!! Can't wait to see your treasures show up here in a blog post.


  7. Loved this post! My first stop when travelling, the market and the kitchen store. You will show us what you did purchase; right?

  8. This is a great post and I would love to return to Paris and visit the shop. It has to be fantastic and a fun place to shop. We need stores such as that here!

  9. Oh how I would love to one day go:) I think I have a little bread pan from there..a client brought it home as a gift.I loved those sweet they will stay in my heart forever.
    You ahve shown us great pics..I feel your fun..Wow.. so much to explore and see..
    Quel plaisir!

    And your lunch spot:)

    How nice were they at that store w/ the taxi and all?
    I love stories like that.

  10. Oh, I could get lost in a place like this and spend *hours* there! Thanks for the tour!

  11. Drool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would go into way too much debt there:)

  12. I could spend days and dollars (oops, euros) in this store. Thanks so much for the great tour Cathy. I felt like I was actually there.

    Love your new look on the header. Tres chic.

  13. What a dream!!! I would LOVE to spend an afternoon there. How fun. Thanks so much for taking us along with you.

  14. WOW! I want to go there! I bet the selection of cookie cutters was amazing!!! Great pictures!!!

  15. How in the world were you able to pick?

  16. Always need/want giant pots, glad to see you back from your break.

  17. That place is to die for. I used to ship....too expensive now. I'd almost take a suitcase just for that. :)

  18. I remember your post two years ago! How wonderful that you got to return and come home with more 'toys' :) What an adventure it must be to shop there!

  19. OMGoodness, I love that shop, I would go crazy! It's very smart how you went for lunch and thought about what you would buy, I'd probably buy another suitcase! I absolutely love your new look here and your header Cathy!!

  20. Can thouroughly understand why you spent two hours in there..amazing. SO, which pot did you get????

  21. Be still, my heart ... how would you EVER be able to narrow down your choices to what would fit in your luggage??!! And I bet they even have what I can't get downunder here in OZ - a jelly bag!!

  22. Some people would shop for clothing or shoes in Paris. And some for perfume. I hear their linens is sublime. But I want to shop with you!
    What a perfect shopping trip. I would have spent all day.
    Thank you for taking me on this virtual spree with you!
    I am so happy you had a wonderful time!

  23. What a fantastic store! I love copper and would have wanted one of everything!

  24. My goodness, thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful place. How I wish I was there too. I think I will ended up with all those stuffs in my luggage, by the end of the trip. haha....
    Hope you're having a great day.

  25. This is the kind of place dreams are made of! Welcome back. It looks like you had a delightful and fruitful trip.

  26. Oh my!! I would LOVE it there--so many tempting things for me to buy :) I vote for them opening a store here in the NW!!

  27. This tour was exquisite! Loved your wonderful photos and the enticing shots of the back corners. Beautiful, Cathy.

  28. Oh how I would love to get lost in that shop!!!! Your pics are so good. I can't wait to hear more!!!

  29. love French cooking stores what fun, and love the new design of your blog very slick

  30. I stumbled acros this cookshop when I was in Paris, my husband wanted to go to museusm, I just wanted to stay in here. Your post has me wanting to go back soon!

  31. This is about reason number 10 that I am insanely envious of you! Number 1 would be Pine State Biscuits and #2 Food Trucks galore...and now this. What a wonderful store. I would have been on overload.

  32. What a perfect sounding day! I can not think of anything better!

  33. Wow Cathy - I don't read many blogs titled "Paris Shopping". That looks like a place I could spend a day or two and would likely only know what half the stuff was used for. Hope it's a great trip.

  34. Oh, that makes my heart flutter! I could be lost in there for days...aaaahhhh. Beautiful photos, Cathy and I feel so dreamy now... =)

  35. Amazing! I would love to see this shop:)

  36. Forget the shoes, I want pots and pans. :) I could spend all day (or more)in that wonderful store. Thanks for the virtual tour- a girl can dream.... sigh. :)

  37. I could spend hours browsing through that shop! Everything look so wonderful it would be hard to choose just a few!

  38. Wow, I don't think I can leave that place!

  39. It would have been difficult to resist buying another suitcase and filling it with tons of things from that store. Sounds like a fabulous trip.

  40. Oh, that adventure must have been like walking in a dream! Talk about a fun place to be!

  41. You must have felt like Julia Child in that amazing looking store! I don't know how I'd ever decide on only a few items. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  42. Oh Cathy. I am so jealous (but happy for you). Paris is a dream of mine and finding a store with all that cookware would literally make me swoon. What a lovely day you and your daughter had!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy