Monday, March 14, 2011

Taking a Blogging Break...See you Mother's Day Weekend

It's time for Wives with Knives to take a little break from blogging.  I have a new great-grandson, born on Valentine's Day, whom I haven't met, and I am helping my mother adjust to life after my father passed away recently.  Everything is going along well, but big changes take time and I want  to be available whenever I'm needed.  I'm going to Chicago in a few weeks to meet great-grandson, Kemper Matthew, then my daughter and I are going on to Paris for a short vacation.   By the time I return home my farmer's market will be ready to open and, hopefully, life will return to some sort of comfortable routine.  I will miss all my bloggie friends so will stop by to visit you as time permits but won't be posting again until the farmers' market opens on Mother's Day weekend.

 Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all.


  1. Enjoy every minute of your time, Cathy...see you when you return :) [hugs]

  2. Take care, Cathy! Enjoy that new baby! I will be thinking of you as you are walking through Paris. Please, please save some of the macarons so I can get my share in June!!! Bon voyage!

  3. Good morning Cathy. Congratulations on your new grandson! I am sure it has been a bit difficult lately, helping your Mom adjust to her new life. I will be thinking of you. So excited to hear about your trip to Paris. I so wish I had gone when we were in Europe!!! Enjoy your break, your visit to see your new grandbaby, and of course...Paris!!!

  4. Enjoy your time off! I don't know what sounds like more fun the new great grandchild or Paris. I'm going to be a grandma for the first time in September!

  5. Sounds like so many wonderful people and things are waiting for you out there. Happy Blog Vacation, have a blast!

  6. Cathy, I hope you'll be able to enjoy your time away. The new baby and Paris are wonderful things to look forward to. I'll be here when you get back. Hugs and blessings...Mary

  7. Enjoy yourself Cathy, I am sure you deserve it:)

  8. Congrats on the new baby. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

  9. Take care..

    How many lovely events for you coming up..They will help you to heal in some ways..Joys have a way of diverting our attention..
    Bless your mom.. congratulations on your DGGC! You look too young!! and have a ball in Paris..

  10. Enjoy the break Cathy, will look forward to your return. Have a great time in Paris!!

  11. Take care Cathy. I hope all goes well for your mother and that you enjoy your new grandson.

    As far as Paris goes, I know you'll have a great time and a much deserved break. Bring back lots of pictures.

  12. Have a wonderful break, Cathy! Enjoy your new grandson and time in Paris with your daughter! I know we'll see some wonderful photos when you return.

    I also can't believe you're a great-grandmother!!!

  13. Enjoy your time and adventures Cathy! I look forward to your return:@)

  14. I'll miss you but know you'll have a wonderful time with that precious new baby and a trip to Paris!! I hope that your mother will be able to find her niche. I'm sure that sweet memories of her life with your father will be a great comfort.

    Have a marvelous time!


  15. Cathy,

    Have a wonderful break. We shall miss you. Paris - how special.


  16. Sounds like some terrific travel plans - see you when you get back.

  17. A new baby and new adventures, enjoy your time away.

  18. It's so nice to have time to spend with your family- enjoy your special time together!

  19. enjoy your break and have a wonderful time!

  20. Enjoy your time with the great-grandson and the travel. I look forward to your return, though! ;)

  21. Will miss your posts a lot, but I also understand how important family time is. Have a wonderful time and I will look forward to your return to the blog-o-sphere!

  22. Cathy, You will be missed. Have a wonderful time. We will be waiting for your return.


  23. Have a great time, Cathy! I'll miss your posts, but I'll be waiting for the pop-up that tells me you're back in May.

  24. Enjoy your family time! I will be thinking of you. Take care. Kate

  25. Taking a blogging break is a good thing to do. We will all be here, when you post again. Congrats on your new grandchild! You've gone through a lot, lately, so enjoy, refresh, renew and rejoice
    PS: I just gave you a shout for the corned beef & cabbage recipe you inspired me to make.
    See you soon!

  26. Hi Cathy,
    I didn't know that you had recently lost your father. My deepest condolences.

    Enjoy your time off. It sounds like you have plenty to do. Take care and see you Mother's Day weekend.


  27. Enjoy meeting your new great-grandson. I hope you have a fantastic trip to Paris too... see you at the market soon!

  28. So sorry to hear about your father, Cathy.
    Sounds like you are needed and you're going to be very busy.
    Enjoy the break!

  29. Have a wonderful time in Chicago with your family. Enjoy your time with sweet little Kemper. See you soon. :)

  30. Bon Voyage Cathy!
    You will be missed!

  31. Have a wonderful time visiting your new great-grandson and in Paris:)

  32. Have a wonderful time Cathy!! See you when you return!!

  33. Great grandson? Great? Wow! Congratulations and enjoy your time with him!

  34. That's a whole lot going on for you! Enjoy your blogging break and trips. Congrats on the new great-grandson!

  35. Enjoy your garndson; family comse first!

  36. Safe travels, Cathy! I've been thinking of you all day while my corned beef & cabbage have been cooking. Wishing you a wonderfully Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Have a really nice vacation & get lots of g-grandbaby smooches. We'll see you when you get back & we'll leave the light on for ya', too. ;-)


  37. Be safe, my friend. You will be missed! It sounds like you have a lot on your proverbial plate, and I think it's good to recognize that when it is necessary. I'm sorry about your father, Cathy, and I pray that you are able to help your mother. And I'm happy about your new great grand! That's wonderful.

    We will keep the light burning for you...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!


    Sheila :-)

  38. Cathy, France was wonderful last week. My daughter and I had a fabulous time! I KNOW your trip is going to be so special. We will miss you, but have fun in Paris.

  39. Wow, you have an awful lot going on all at once! Congrats on the new grandbaby and have a wonderful time in Paris! So sorry to hear about your dad passing. I'll send a little prayer especially for your mom. See you soon.

  40. I think I just missed you but wanted to wish you a "Happy New Grandmama"!! Sounds like you have quite a bit on your plate. My best to you as you take care of everyone in your life right now. See you in a bit!


  41. I hope you'll have a wonderful break! Looking forward to your next blog post.

  42. How wonderful. Hope you're enjoying your spring break. If you want to enjoy your break with a nice cup of tea, please pop over to my blog to participate for a wonderful giveaway! :) Have a good one and I look forward to your next post!


  43. Cathy, we hope all is well with your mom and that you are having a remarkable time with your family!

  44. Anticipating your return! Hope all continues to be well!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy