Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Good Sandwich is a Beautiful Thing

Question: What do you have when you combine:

One crusty jalapeno-chedder Kaiser roll

slices of crisp red onion

very tasty hot house tomatoes

thinly sliced tri-tip that has been perfectly seasoned
and grilled to medium rare

fresh, crisp leaf lettuce

Artichoke-green chili mayo

Answer: A Sandwich Good Enough for Company

I love, love, love a good sandwich.
  Freshly baked bread filled with the best ingredients 
held together with something wonderful from the
vast condiment selection in my fridge.

Mix 1 tablespoon chopped artichoke hearts 
and 1 tablespoon chopped green chilis into
3 tablespoons mayo.
This is delicious on french fries, by the way

I love to barbecue but never spent much time thinking about developing skill at it until I met Larry at Big Dude's Eclectic Ramblings.  He prepares perfectly cooked, mouth watering prime rib and steaks of all cuts (and the best breakfasts you have ever seen) and with his generous help I've ventured into the BBQ and grilling world.  I don't cook a lot of meat so when a roast comes off the grill or out of the oven and it's perfectly cooked  I get pretty darn excited. Larry said that he doesn't cook a lot of trip-tip so he sent me over to Patio Daddio's for a lesson in cooking that particular cut of meat.  I seasoned my tri-tip just the way Daddio suggested and it was delicious.  The last few slices went into these tasty sandwiches.

Larry has been so generous and helpful in answering my questions about different cuts of meat and how to properly cook them.  With his help I have prepared prime rib several times using different roasting techniques and have found the method I prefer so my family can expect to find this wonderful treat often on the table for Sunday dinner.

It's still rainy season here in the Northwest and the patio where I keep my barbecue isn't covered so I won't be doing a lot of grilling until the weather clears up in early spring.  In the meantime I'm researching recipes and technique that I will use this summer.  I have a gas grill but think I want to try cooking over hot coals to get the flavors of the wood chips and smoke. Do you consider yourself a grill meister? If you do, won't you please share some tips with a friend who is very eager to learn?

It's Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
Won't you please stop by to visit?


  1. Wow Cathy, I was all ready to comment about the great looking sandwich - which it is, but your flattering comments blew me away. I so glad to have been of some help and will continue to do all I can. Aren't blogger buddies great - I've learned tons from them and plan to continue.

  2. It's funny (as in odd) that I'm the griller in our family. Except for burgers, my husband does those, I grill everything else - beef, fish, pork. I was always a hot coals woman, but got a gas grill about 5 yrs ago and LOVE it. It's not huge - two burners, so I can direct or indirect cook. We still have our Weber, but whenever I use it, I'm not as happy with the end result. I think it's because my gas grill grates are so well seasoned, like my cast iron pans! My best tip would be: Don't be afraid to SEASON WHATEVER YOU COOK WELL!

  3. Oh Lordy, that is one good looking sandwich!

  4. We recently received a blogging award and wanted to pass it along to you!

  5. That is one mighty fine looking sandwich, from the bread to the mayo and everything in between!

  6. This certainly leaves me "weak in the knees" and wanting one! Nothing is more satisfying than a good sandwich.


  7. That sandwich looks have no idea..

    My husband uses a stove pipe thing for coals in Florida.. to start the coals and grill Ina had it on her show years ago ans swears by it..

    I think you would like it..

  8. The bread is the "bones" of a great sandwich and the beeg the piece de resistance.

  9. Holy moly! Can I be your company?!?!?! Your sandwich looks fantastic!!!

  10. First of all, I love Larry and have actually been to Almost Heaven South and he and Bev are great people. So is his food, as you know.

    I adore sandwiches too and am always on the lookout for seasoned mayo recipes. Artichokes and green chilis sound lie a delicious combination.

  11. Now THAT is a sandwich!! Looks delicious

  12. I agree; I love a good sandwich. You always come up with the most delicious ones. I am so happy you shared your artichoke green chili mayo. When I was reading the ingredients, I was hoping that would be there somewhere. I am not very good at the grill at all. I will definitely check out Larry's blog:)

  13. I'm having a hard time getting past the crusty jalapeƱo-cheddar kaiser roll!!! Oh Momma! This looks great Cathy, I'd say "enjoy" but I know you already did:@)

  14. No, not a grill meister. I don't want to inherit that job too! I can if I have to though!
    I a thinking of buying Mike a smoker though. Ellen at The Happy Wonderer posted about her dh's.
    The sandwich looks excellent!

  15. When you described that sandwich bread, my heart got a little excited... hoping you'd say you made that bread, and there would be a recipe. Still, the rest of the sandwich would be Dagwood to shame! I can't wait to grill again, and tri-tip ranks #1 as our favorite beef to grill. I have a couple of tips for you-- Cook's Illustrated has some terrific grilling recipes. I make their Santa Maria Style Tri-Tip using wood chips (it's on my blog, actually, as a "how to". Steven Raichlen's book "How to Grill" became our resource book, with step-by-step photos. I love Larry's blog, too. So nice of you to give him a much deserved shout! So, now can I have a bite of that? Looks fabulous!

  16. We haven't grilled much since Christmas - mainly because of the rain. I was introduced to Tri-tip by an American cousin - what a wonderful cut!

  17. A true work of art. I, too, like a good sandwich. In fact, I'd really like this one!

  18. This looks absolutely wonderful! I love the Artichoke Green Chili Mayo. I can only imagine how wonderful that tastes!

  19. Cathy - Thank you so much for your very kind and gracious comments.

    A tri-tip is a terrible thing to waste! :-)

    All the best,
    John (Patio Daddio)

  20. I think marinating leads to some very good grilled meats. I love to marinade chicken in oil, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, soy sauce and sherry. It always has a great flavor. For steak that needs tenderizing I marinade in oil, soy sauce, red wine, garlic and dried oregano. I also micrwave some large potatoes, then slice them into large pieces when cool leaving the skin on, then brush on olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt and herbs de Provence. Put then potatoes in a special grill holder so then don't fall in the fire and grill until golden. So good. My husband calls me the Grill Queen.

  21. Your sandwish looks lips smacking good! I am also getting a kick out of roasting and grill ing crackling pork which is so tasty my boys keep asking for more!

  22. Cathy, I don't eat beef, but I just love to try different versions of mayo. This one sounds so delicious I will give it a try this next week. It seems like it would be really good on a panino with sundried tomatoes, provolone, etc.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  23. On fries, I'll have to try that. I'm always substituting something for ketchup which I can't stand.

    As always, your recipe blog is light years beyond mine.

  24. That sounds like a fantastic combination of flavors. I was sold at the artichoke-green chile mayo. A sandwich with a nice compliment of tastes and textures is so satisfying.

  25. Hi had me at that roll!!...we cannot get good bread or rolls down's a crime. As for grilling I grill atleast 2-3 times a week but I have a grill on my JennAir...
    Hated it at first but over the years I don't know how I would ever cook without it...I grilled pork chops the other night (I am not a fan)....but after marinating them in olive oil/lemon juice/rosemary and garlic for a whole day...they came juicy....I had them recently in a local resturant and I asked the chef how long to cook them....he said 4 minutes per side...I thought that sounded I asked the butcher where I bought them....I use the term "butcher" lightly...he told me atleast 30 minutes....On a grill???
    That sounded really I cooked them about 9 minutes per side....they were perfect...Happy grilling!!

  26. what i wouldn't give to pull that sandwich right out of the screen!

  27. Ooooooo...yummy! I love a good sandwich, too!

  28. You really brought the simple sandwich up a few notches. What a great combination!

  29. My husband and son take over the grilling in this house. Your sandwich looks so good. Thanks for the mayo recipe.

  30. If I had to pick one dish to live on the rest of my life, it would be a good roast beef sandwich. LOVE them and this one looks divine. I can't wait to try your mayo seasoning!

  31. That DOES look like a great sandwich! The tomatoes looks great. Hard to find a good one in the winter. I got some heirlooms in my organic box this week that I am anxious to cut into. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  32. This is a fabulous sandwich! That mayo would be delicious on just about anything. :)

  33. Isn't Larry just the best? And man can he cook up some mouthwatering meals. This sandwich looks wonderful Cathy. Love that kaiser roll and the flavored mayo. Another bookmarked.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Yes Cathy, you're so right about it. A good sandwich is a beautiful thing. Yours looks so inviting and I like the bun especially. Thank you. Hope you're having a great day ahead.
    Cheers, Kristy

  36. Oh my, that looks just amazing!! I'd love to sink my teeth into that!

  37. Mmmmmmm I so love a great sandwich for a great dinner!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy