Sunday, January 23, 2011

German Chocolate Cake Macarons

This month's MacTweet Challenge is a good one. We've been asked to recreate one of our favorite desserts as a macaron.  What to do...what to do.  Lemon Meringue  Banana Whipped Cream Cake...another no. Creme Brulee...definitely no.  S'mores...been done. German Chocolate!

This and Strawberry Whipped Cream Roll are the two big birthday requests in my house. The more I thought about it the more perfect I knew GCK would be for this challenge.  Who doesn't love the rich, creamy coconut filling and those luscious chocolate layers? I knew I could make a macaroon just as good.  Would you believe that I googled German Chocolate Cake Macarons and NOTHING came up.  Any recipe I've ever searched for has had at least a million sources. Sugar cookies alone bring up 4,750,000 sites FYI.   Maybe I've hit on something new.  Wouldn't that be fun. So here you are, ladies and gentlemen, at the threshold of a new discovery.  The big questions is...will you like it?

My favorite chocolate macaron recipe is one I found at Barbara Bakes.   Barbara is the person who built up my confidence enough to try making what seemed like an impossibly difficult dessert that I first tried almost two years ago when I was in Paris. It took three tries before those elusive little feet and nice domed tops appeared and even now, after making macarons many times, I still get a big smile and a happy heart when I pull a baking sheet of macarons out of the oven. If you haven't tried making them I urge you to do so.  It may take a time or two to get the feel of what the batter should look like when you are ready to pipe it onto the pans but it is well worth the effort.  I made a template that I use that helps me pipe all the macs the same size and you can find the directions HERE for how to make one for yourself.

Chocolate Macarons...from The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz at Barbara Bakes

1 cup (100 g) powdered sugar
1/2 cup powdered almonds (50 g)  (I used Bob's Red Mill Almond Flour)
3 tablespoons (25 g) unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
2 large egg whites (75 g), aged 1 to 3 days at room temperature
5 tablespoons (65 g) granulated sugar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  (In my oven this was too hot so I lowered the temperature to 300 degrees)

Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and have a pastry bag with a plain tip (about 1/2 inch, 2 cm) ready.  If you set the pastry bag in a glass it's much easier to fill.

Grind together the powdered sugar with the almond flour and cocoa so there are no lumps.  Use a food processor since purchased almond meal isn't quite fine enough.

In the bowl of an electric mixer beat the egg whites until they begin to rise and hold their shape.  While whipping, beat in the granulated sugar until very stiff and firm, about 2 minutes.

Carefully fold in the dry ingredients, in two batches, into the beaten egg whites with a flexible rubber spatula.  When the mixture is just smooth and there are no streaks of egg white, stop folding and scrape the batter into the pastry bag (standing the bag in a tall glass helps).

Pipe the batter onto the parchment-lined sheets in 1 inch (3cm) circles, evenly spaced 3 cm apart.  Rap the baking sheet a few times firmly on the counter top to flatten the macarons. Sprinkle the tops of half of the macarons with finely chopped pecans when you pipe them.  The nuts won't stick to the dough after it forms a skin.  Let them set at room temperature for about an hour until they form a skin that doesn't stick to you finger when you touch them.

Bake for anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes depending on your oven.  It's trial and error until you find the temperature and baking time that work for you.  Let macs cool and then carefully remove them from the baking sheet.       

Coconut Pecan Filling 

1 12 ounce can evaporated milk
1-1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks) butter
4 eggs yolks, slightly beaten
1-1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 7-ounce package flaked coconut, chopped 
1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped

Mix milk, sugar, butter, egg yolks and vanilla in a large saucepan. Cook on medium heat for 15-18 minutes or until mixture thickens and turns a light golden brown, stirring constantly.  The mixture won't be thick enough to spread and will thicken up after the coconut is added.

Add coconut and mix well.  Cool to room temperature and refrigerate to a consistency that will hold its shape.  Makes about 4 cups.  Fill macarons and refrigerate.

This filling is delicious as a frosting for cupcakes.


  1. You ARE the Energizer Bunny:) many different new recipes..These are gorgeous! Bravo!

  2. Oh yea, this is what I need to be seeing at 8PM!!! Especially since I have nothing but chocolate chips and a few peanuts to munch on! Amazing Cathy, I just know they are sooooo good-enjoy:@)

  3. Wunderbar! Gorgeous macs and what a great idra for a flavor.

  4. Oooh, these look so good! Beautiful presentation.

  5. Wonderful!! Get your patent on this one, Cathy!!

  6. The macarons are gorgeous but what I'm really digging is the coconut filling. Fabulous!

  7. Oh my gosh, these look so good. I can't wait to try macarons, they still intimidate me though!

  8. Oh these are impressive! I haven't had the courage to attempt macarons, but if I did, I'd want them to look like these. :)

  9. You are becoming the expert on these! Bravo!

  10. What a great idea to make them like German Chocolate Cake! They must be delicious. I have never tried a macaron, but since blogging, I have seen them and really wanted to try making them. You have inspired me once again. I have to get my courage up and just do it. Your recipe will surely be the one I use:)

  11. Yes, thank you, I do believe I will make these as German chocolate cake is one of my favorite things and I am intrigued with macarons!!


  12. Oh these macaroons look so good, and you've incorporated the flavors of one of my favorite cakes in the world!

  13. You make it sound so easy - and they look fabulous. You invented a new macaron!

  14. You didn't. Oh, yes you did. This is a stroke of pure genius. I'm delighted that you thought of this! I'm still hesitating making my first macarons, though you have encouraged me to do it. Would you believe I tasted my first one, just a few months ago? It was a pistachio macaron with a filling that made me swoon with wanting more. Pat yourself on the back, Ms. Macaron Diva.... these are absolutely gorgeous!

  15. Cathy when I see such fabulous macs I get upset that you don't bake macs with mactweets every single month! You're macs are fabulous! And wow these German Chocolate Cake Macs are just perfect and I'll bet they are more than delicious. And no one has ever made something similar? Ah, just points to your genius! So thrilled you baked these for Mactweets this month! Perfect. x

  16. Such beautifully done macaroons! Thanks for sharing it. Hope you're enjoying your day.
    Cheers, Kristy

  17. Cathy, now THIS is a winner. Oh, how scrumptious, and what a great idea. I would love to try one of those!


    Sheila :-)

  18. What gorgeous macaroons Cathy. You could open a fancy bakery and folks would be lining up at the door.

  19. Oh wow...these look gorgeous. I really want to try making macarons this year. I love the coconut filling. Thanks very much for sharing.

  20. I haven't tried making macarons yet since I am prone to baking failure but these are so tempting.

  21. You keep making macaroons and you're going to end up making me try it too.

    Delicious looking.

  22. What a brilliant idea, Cathy! These look deliciously perfect.

  23. I love the flavor of German Chocolate! I've been wanting to give making these a try but I keep chickening out. I would love to try this flavor. Beautiful job, Cathy!

  24. Best cookie ever! I finished the last one last night while we were watching a movie and could have eaten about 4more of them. The filling is amazing! I could lick it off of cardboard! And the cookies = heaven!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  25. Cathy, these really are a great concept -- a yummy chocolate macaron filled with German chocolate frosting -- what a great creation you have made. I admire those of you that make macarons! Joni

  26. You do come up with the most wonderful looking recipes. These cookies are a master piece; I can just imagine how good they taste.

  27. Wow Cathy - that looks wonderful! I love, love, love the filling.

    I hope you had a wonderful b-day.

  28. mmmm, they're so pretty, i haven't had german chocolate anything for a long time. now i'm craving it.

    excellent job, the pics are gorgeous!

  29. Love the sprinkles of pecans on top - makes it look even more like German Chocolate Cake.

  30. What a fabulous idea! These chocolate macs are my favorite and I'm sure the filling makes them irresistible. Thanks for the link love!

  31. These look delicious! I'm trying to cut back on eating goodies like this but that picture makes me want to eat one or two of them!

  32. Oh My God!!!!!!!!!! That's all I can say...
    Joyce brought me home macaroons when she went to Paris and I have been smitten ever since...These look they look better then that...
    We were talking today about talking the class at the Viking School to learn how to make them...I think I will just give it a try with your recipe...Thank you for sharing!!! Sue.

  33. The luscious taste of this german choco cake incorporated with my newly found craze macaroons, thats heaven! My this recipe is sure a work of a genius.

  34. They look sensational! I'd be whacking a 'copyright' on that one straight away if I were you!!

  35. They look amazing! I know I would love them.

  36. Awesome photo and great recipe. Glad I found your blog

  37. I am drooling all over the keyboard! These are divine, Cathy!
    I swear, this winter I am going to try my hand at macarons. I keep saying it, but this time I mean it!

  38. This is my first visit here. I went through all most all the posts with a great fascination) Loved these chocolate cake macorons.. Pics are absolutely beautiful!!!

  39. Oh these macaroons look delicious!!! My grandmother loves german chocolate cake, I might just try and make these for here birthday in December! Plenty of time to practice making macaroons. such a genius idea!

  40. Those just look sinful! I am pretty sure I would have to go to confession after, but I think I would eat a dozen anyway. Wow!

  41. Oh my my! These look splendid!! I love that you Googled them and it didn't turn up any results. It's such a thrill to think up something that hasn't been "done to death" ... good show!

  42. Cathy, those macs of yours look very professionally done! Love the coconut/chocolate combination...I am still too chicken to try making these for myself:P

  43. Oh my goodness, your picture is stunning Cathy!
    You should have a bakery with all of your wonderful sweets. Seriously, the macaroons are drool worthy-german chocolate cake is my favorite. I have not been brave enough to make macaroons myself, but I'm bookmarking your recipe anyway. Someday.

  44. Wow, these are impressive:) They look really yummy.

  45. YUM YUM YUM !!! coould i have one pleaaaseee !!

  46. I expected a virtual treat here, and I am simply amazed! You've done it in style Cathy, pretty as can be, and so novel. Love the coconut pecan filling, and your feet are purrrfect!! WOW!! Thank you for joining us at MacTweets! It's a treat to have you there.

  47. Mouth watering - love German Choc cake. I will put an order in for a variety of your macaroons for my birthday this year..LOL

  48. Your German chocolate cake macarons are soooo cute. Sometimes these tiny treats might be better than the whole cake! :-)

  49. Your macarons look gorgeous and delicious! Love the filling!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy