Monday, January 3, 2011

Dungeness Crab Eggs Benedict

All my resolve to eat healthier in the New Year flew right out the window on the weekend when I found Dungeness Crab at the market for $3.99 per pound and they were just unpacking the icy crates as I walked up to the counter. I bought two large crab and had enough for dinner on New Year's Day and a seafood version of Eggs Benedict for Sunday morning.  We love it simply served with a bit of mayo or lemon butter, but it was a holiday weekend after all and the times called for something special.  

I had several Crab Cakes left from the night before so this delicious brunch dish went together in just minutes. I topped a toasted English muffin half with thin slices of tomato, added a warmed crab cake, poached egg and a never fail version of Hollandaise Sauce that took just minutes to make. Is your mouth watering? Mine is just thinking about this delicious combination of flavors and textures. It's so pretty on the plate and everybody thought they were getting something very special.  If you are able to purchase good ready made crab cakes this is even easier to prepare.

My Easy Hollandaise Sauce recipe is from a 1960's edition of  McCall's Cookbook. Its quick to prepare and delicious on Eggs Benedict and vegetables. 

Easy Hollandaise Sauce

1/2 cup butter
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Dash cayenne pepper
1 cup whole milk
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons lemon juice

In medium saucepan slowly melt 1/4 cup butter, remove from heat. Stir in flour to make a smooth paste.  Add salt, pepper and cayenne.

Gradually add milk, stirring until smooth.  Over medium heat bring mixture to boiling, stirring, for 1 minute.  Remove from heat. Stir in remaining 1/4 cup butter.

Combine egg yolks and lemon juice. Add a little hot mixture to egg yolk mixture.  Pour back into mixture in saucepan. Bring back to boiling point and remove from heat.  To keep sauce warm, place covered saucepan in a larger shallow pan of simmering water. Thin with a tablespoon or two of hot water if sauce thickens too much.  Don't let water boil or sauce will curdle.  Serve over eggs or vegetables.

So, it's going to be salads for the rest of the month.  I really mean it this time.


  1. Oh my gosh, this is like a little plate of heaven! Beautiful. Happy New Year, Cathy :)

  2. Cathy -- you have my mouth watering!!!

  3. So happy you added that healthy tomato slice! LOL You have completely taken my idea of better eating and thrown it out the window! I guess you need to pamper yourself a little bit. It looks simply delicious. Will try your sauce, since I always use the Knorr packet, which is pretty good if you're in a hurry! Just wish I could reach in and grab the plate.

  4. Could you please send me your address and what time you put meals on the table?

    We are able to get dungeness crab here in the midwest--at Costco. While it isn't quite as good as sitting on a pier in San Francisco and picking at it with your fingers, it's still quite good


  5. Oh my gosh! It looks great! I will be looking for the dungeness crab now.

  6. That looks amazing. Oh well, there is always next week!

  7. I just read Cowgirl Jeanie's blog, then come over here to this and now my stomach is growling out loud - this looks absolutely outstanding.

  8. Oh my goodness. This looks way better than my whole wheat toast with (real)butter and marmalade...although my coffee is very good!
    Please feel free to come on up here for a holiday any time - but bring your knives and whisk!

  9. Oh my gosh that looks so good!

  10. Decadence on a plate:) How great does this look!?

  11. Oh man, these look fantastic! I love crab meat in anything, and what better way to start off your day than with crab, eggs, and hollandaise sauce!

  12. Oh Cathy, you are twisting my arm with this one. What a great way to start the year! (

  13. Cathy, who could resist this eggs Benedict? I would gladly eat salads for the rest of the month for a bite. I clearly think you've started off 2011 right.

  14. Oh my! I think I'll have to go out and find some crab! Cathy, that looks so delicious and I cannot blame you for enjoying that delicacy.

    A happy and healthy New Year to you and your family Cathy. Many blessings! Diana

  15. This is a dream breakfast lunch or dinner, divine and well worth the momentary slip!

  16. I also thought I should eat healthier this year and hoped what came through my blog reader would help me :) I love crab and this looks so good, our supermarkets are now getting a lot of crab that we didnt get before, I will just have to make this :) I wonder if ten walks around the block would work it off :)

  17. Oh what I would not give for a bite of this!
    One of the things I miss most about living in San Francisco is the lack of Dungeness crabs here. I have not seen any at all this year...and when you can find them they are outrageously expensive. $3.99 a pound is almost worth flying out there to get some!
    This breakfast looks amazing!

  18. if i knew i was getting something this decadent for breakfast, i don't think i'd be able to sleep! how divine!

  19. Yum! We did something similar for Christmas breakfast. We always do Eggs Benedict but this year we went for garden hashbrowns(a mix of potatoes, beets, carrots and herbs), topped with poached eggs, Hollandaise and crab :).

  20. Beautiful Cathy! I love that little chunk of crab teetering on top.

  21. Oh my, that looks good! If I could get crab for that price I'd splurge too. That beautiful chunk of crab meat on the top looks delicious. I'm with you on the salads ;)

  22. Oh my! This looks amazing!!! There is nothing better than fresh dungeness crab!

  23. I LOVE crab cakes and Eggs Benedict to pieces - this is so decadent! (how can you live with yourself tempting me like this??)

  24. Eggs Benedict made with crab is one of my favourite breakfast treats. In Louisiana, we always used Gulf Blue crab. I'd love to give it a try with the Dungeness. Thanks so much for sharing your meal.

  25. I LOOOVE Eggs Benedict - but I've never tried it with crab! Thanx so much for ensuring my NY resolutions only lasted a few days!!

  26. WOW, looks fantastic!

    Crab, oh how we luv thee.

  27. Heaven! This is my kind of meal... it looks absolutely wonderful Cathy!

  28. Cathy....this does look heavenly! I am a huge eggs benedict fan and pretty darned fond of Dungeness Crab too...what a winner of a combo :)


  29. Oh, Cathy, this is stunning, absolutely stunning! How I am always and forever jealous of your Dungeness crabs and this is such a perfect dish you put together and diet be damned (excuse my French). I have never made a Hollandaise Sauce and yours is so gorgeous I may get up the courage to try it!

    Cathy, I want to send you my warmest wishes for a very happy, healthy & prosperous 2011!!!

  30. Does not get better than that; wow!
    The only time we ever get a chance to see and try dungeness crab is when we go to Victoria in March. I have tried this egg Bene and it's a whole new taste sensation. Great photo!

  31. Food and resolutions just do NOT go hand in hand!! This looks amazing!!

  32. wow this is amazing wow I want some adore crab

    happy new year you always have the best recipes


  33. My mouth is definitely watering when I saw this photo....looks so delicious!

  34. Oh that is definitely something special! I've never had Dungeness crab but I love blue crabs. This would have been a real treat for New Years! :)

  35. Well now, how could you possibly resist this dish? I think I'd throw out my resolutions too.

  36. Good heaven, my mouth is watering, Cathy! :o) Just look at those runny sauce over the top. Yummm..yumm..yumm... You're killing me! haha.. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
    Cheers, Kristy

  37. This is another one my daughter would be crazy for. She loves crab! Thanks for the easy Hollandaise recipe too!

  38. This sounds outrageously delicious!!!

  39. Oh, this looks SO good. Now I want this for breakfast on Saturday!

  40. PERFECT SHOT! The photo is flawless! You egg benedict looks "out of this world" delicious!

  41. WOW! This looks super delicious ;D

  42. I follow your daughter's blog and saw your cute apron today.
    I am your newest follower love for you to share the love and follow bake.

  43. This is decadent beyond words Cathy! I'd like to be eating this on the coast right now! Perfect for a special occasion!

  44. I remember you making these last year during crab season and boy was I jealous!!! One of these days when I return to the west coast, I am making sure that I make this recipe!

  45. Oh, this looks delicious. I enjoyed dungeness crabs when I was in san francisco and it looks like a delicious addition to eggs benny!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy