Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baked Potato with Egg, Cheese and Ham

I've become a better cook since I started blogging two and a half years ago.  I cook more than I did before I started so that has something to do with it, and I find it almost impossible to believe that I am writing my 348th post.  I've tried many recipes and ingredients that are new to me and always am excited when I find "a winner" that  I know my family will enjoy over and over. But I'm equally as happy when I find a new way to use the everyday foods that my family loves. I knew I found a winner in this category when I recently visited Ann at Thibeault's Table. I've tried many of Ann's wonderful recipes and appreciate her straight forward cooking style that brings out the goodness of the ingredients she uses.  If you haven't met Ann I do hope you will stop by for a visit.

In this recipe Ann removes the top third of a small hot baked potato (sliced horizontally) and carefully scoops out the center.  Leave about 1/4 inch of potato so the shell is firm and stable.  Add a bit of butter, about 1/2 teaspoon, a sprinkle of cheddar cheese, an egg, chopped ham and a tablespoon or two of cream. Top with freshly ground black pepper and bake at 400 degrees until egg is set.  It keeps cooking after it's removed from the oven so take it out when the center is still slightly jiggly. Top with thinly sliced scallions.

I love this dish for its simplicity and familiarity and know it will be a regular menu item in my home.  Next time I may try adding a bit of spinach and Swiss cheese to the egg instead of cheddar. Or a little salsa would be delicious too.  Thanks, Ann, for a terrific new way to serve some of our favorite foods.


  1. I visit both your site and Ann's site regularly because your recipes are easy, straight-forward and always delicious! This looks like another winner! Thanks for always sharing great food!

  2. I loved that too when I saw it!! Good for you! I will one day make this too..You did her proud

  3. Cathy...firstly, LOVE Ann's blog and recipes and secondly, YUM!! I will be making these for sure!

    Isn't blogging cool?! I am always scouting for recipes to try and pass along...I did that before blogging but it is nice having the motivation blogging gives...and so many bloggy buddies who are great cooks helps too :)


  4. Cathy - I found Ann's blog on yours and when I visited, this meal jumped out at me as well, and I had it a few days ago - it's in the queue to be posted tomorrow. Your shot is much better than mine and makes me want to go make it again today.

  5. Saving this recipe; looks fantastic! What a comfort food meal; easy and full of goodness.

  6. That's a gorgeous picture. The potato looks fantastic.

    I know reading food blogs has definately broadened my cooking.

  7. I adore a good stuffed potato Cathy and this one sure fits the bill. Baked potatoes are my go-to comfort food. I'll check out Ann's blog right away.

    I totally agree that reading food blogs has improved my cooking and presentation skills too.

  8. I do love this idea. It is a meal in one perfect and nutricious packet.

  9. Cathy,
    Oh, how wonderful!!

    I am more aware of my cooking now but what I like most about the blogging is the challenge of the photography. Great picture of Baked Potato.


  10. I have definitely gotten to be a better cook by reading other blogs and also blogging about recipes myself. I love it! This recipe looks really good - I have a question, though. Do you add the inside of the potato back in? Or just scoop out the middle and then pour/add the extras in the hollow?

  11. Thedse are stunning filled Jacked Potatoes! I love your creamy & tasty filling,...mmmmmmmm!

    I just moved my blog to Come over & check me out! You may want to update your RSS!!

  12. Bookmarked! What a fantastic idea - I can't wait to make this one Cathy.

  13. Wow...when i read the title i supposed it to be a flan or somenthing like that...instead it' s a great past and copy!!!

    Have a nice day, hugs, Flavia

  14. You are welcome Cathy. And thank you for sharing it here on your blog. Your picture is perfect. Takes it to a whole other level.

    Creamed spinach would be a wonderful addition. I also like the idea of topping the stuffed potato with a Hollandaise sauce.


  15. Oh my....all I can say is YUMMMMMMMmmmmmmm.

  16. This looks really good. I love bakes potatoes. I love blogging and all the new friends I've made.

  17. I used to eat this a lot, so simple and satisfying!

  18. Cathy, you are sinful to post this. Now, I have to go eat something! It's the power of suggestion, my friend. LOL! Looks delicious.


    Sheila :-)

  19. Your pic is beautiful! (and I'm not just saying that because it's dinner time:@) I've tried this once and really did enjoy it, thanks for the reminder!

  20. isn't blogging great! i push myself to try new things way more then i would if i wasn't blogging. i love your posts!

    this looks incredible! i'm not a breakfast person, but i would happily hop out of bed for this!

  21. 348th post? Holy smokes! That's a lot. And all of the delicious! You have always been an amazing cook!

  22. This would be a wonderful meal in itself! I love the delicious mix of flavors.

    Wow, 348 posts! Congratulations, Cathy!

  23. 348 posts, you go girl! I know what you mean about cooking more than you ever thought you would! I will definitely check out Ann's blog-- always in the mood to read great talent!

  24. THis looks like a sure winner for my guys - thanks for sharing this one! You always have the most gorgeous photos.

  25. Oh yum! This sounds delicious and would make a perfect and flavor-filled lunch for me:)

  26. Mmmmm...another hit! This sounds delicious.

  27. I love Ann's food blog, too. I'm a spud lover and I am saving this recipe to add to my rotation. I keep forgetting how versatile baked spuds can be. This one would be a perfect dinner for me. I agree that food blogging has made me challenge myself to cook great recipes. It shows in your beautiful photography and tasty dishes.

  28. It's almost TOO easy, isn't it? But then, the best things usually are!

    Happy travels!!

  29. I saw this over at Ann's site too... Looks amazing! A great Sunday morning brunch...

  30. Looks good and great as a side dish or a main meal for something light!

  31. Larry and you are working on the same wave length :-) If I am not mistaken he got the idea from you.

    What a great breakfast...What am I saying? Not just breakfast, lunch or dinner too.


  32. That's practically a meal all in itself. Twice-baked potatoes taken a step further.

  33. I like Ann's blog too, Cathy. I can't tell you how many recipes I've copied. This looks wonderful. It's a full meal in a potato!

  34. I need one of these asap! :) Am going to visit Ann's blog now- thanks!

  35. This is a dish that would be great anytime of day. Fun idea!

  36. These potatoes look fantastic, Cathy! I've been on the hunt for breakfast/brunch inspiration. I know these would be a hit at my house at any meal.

    I feel the same as you, I've definitely learned and grown in my knowledge and abilities since I began my blog. It sure is a lot of fun, isn't it?! ;)

  37. We have a fast food place here where you can order your choice of fillings in your baked potato. It was a great little lunch!
    Looks good, Cathy, and I hope you are feeling better.

  38. Hi Cathy, Happy (early) Birthday to you! May all your birthday wishes come true and have a wonderful time with your loved ones. Thanks for stopping by my blog to leave a comment. :)

  39. yum my kind of spud thanks for the congrats :-)

  40. Made that same dish once and we loved it! thanks for reminding me about it!

  41. We are big fans of stuffed potatoes. I've never done one with an egg before. Why not? It looks delicious--like a mini-individual brunch casserole or a light supper. It's on my list. Now I'm going over to meet Ann!!


  42. This would be great for breakfast - neat idea!

  43. Great meal we had last night; thanks for the comofort food recipe.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Cathy, I made a vegetarian version of this recipe for our breakfast this morning. It was so good. Mike had salsa on his and said it's a keeper. And I agree about becoming a better cook since I started blogging.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy