Monday, December 20, 2010

Dresdener Stollen Revisited

Baking Dresdener Stollen is one of my dearest holiday traditions.
 My mother made it every year at Christmas time
 and passed on the tradition to me
 when she gave me her hand written card with this wonderful recipe.

You will find the recipe and a little history of this
traditional German bread on last year's post.

Every morning from now until New Year's Day
 I will serve slices of stollen,
slightly warmed and spread with a bit of unsalted butter.

The shape of this traditional German bread represents
Christ in swaddling clothes.

I hope you will try my Mother's recipe. 
It may become a tradition in your home too.


  1. It looks fantastic!

    I could see using it in French toast. Hope that's not an insult to the stollen, but I think it would be so much better than plain bread!

  2. A lovely tradition Cathy. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  3. What a lovely way to start the day! A wonderful family tradition. Your stollen looks delicious.

  4. The fact that your mother always made it makes it even more special. What a wonderful tradition and that's what this time of year is about! I've grabbed a copy :)

    Merry Christmas, Cathy!

  5. Oh my, doesn't that look wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Have a very Merry Christmas with your family Cathy!

  6. Our favorite. I baked Quarkstollenkonfekt this year. It is almost gone.

  7. What a beautiful tradition! I find it so sad that the younger generations seems to have lost these family tradition that we grew up with.
    Happy you are reminding us all to hang on to these.

  8. Looks good, but I prefer last year's with the cherries in it:)

  9. This is perfect for the coming festive season. Enjoy & have a wonderful day. And stay warm.
    Blessings, Kristy

  10. Beautiful tradition, Cathy. The bread looks so inviting. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  11. I love bread like this one...just a touch of sweetness. It's so pretty as well. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  12. I have made stollen for about 40 years and love it on Christmas morning. What a wonderful tradition.

  13. Looks delicious! I love that your mother made it and handed the recipe down to you. What a great tradition!

  14. Looks great Cathy! I might make some to take to my 96 yo German Godmother! While she still bakes pies, I don't think she's made Stollen in a while! Merry Christmas Week:@)

  15. Merry Christmas everyone.

    Jeannie - I usually add cherries but noticed last year that my kids picked all the pieces out of the bread and left them on their plates so decided to omit them. I'll probably add them back next year.

  16. I am not very fond of Stollen, but yours looks really delicious!

  17. I just might! This would be a great thing to serve at my christmas dinner.

  18. I believe I could have a slice of this every morning - I showed it to the family baker and she was interested. It's great to keep family traditions alive.

  19. We're going to leave in one day..i go to spend Holiday with my I will try your stollen next year....May you have a special and a very merry Christmas with your family, hugs, Flavia

  20. Sounds like a truly wonderful (and delicious) tradition!

  21. oh it looks so delicious, and beautiful!

  22. Thank you for sharing such a special recipe! What a wonderful tradition...this looks delicious. :)

  23. This looks like a wonderful stollen, Cathy. Your Mom's recipes always make for delicious treats. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  24. What a great tradition. I've never had stollen but I KNOW I would love it.

  25. I worked in a German restaurant and bakery for a few months and this is where I first tasted stollen. Oh my, what a glorious bread! I will keep your family recipe tucked away for the times when I want a taste of that stollen again close at hand!

  26. Mike made your recipe last year and we loved it. Hope he does it again!
    Merry Christmas, dear friend!

  27. Have tasted store bought stollen and liked it...homemade would make me Love it. Never made stollen but will try this recipe - thanks to you and your Mom for sharing the family recipe.

    Merry Christmas to all........

  28. This is a treat that I have always bought - never tried making it. I'll have to look at your heirloom recipe - how special!

  29. What a lovely tradition. It looks absolutly delicious. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  30. This is simply gorgeous Cathy!
    Merry Christmas!

  31. Oh wow! Cathy, I just made one of these and cannot stop cutting off slices and eating it. Just fabulous! I hope that you and your family enjoy a Joyous and Healthy Holiday Season!

  32. I'm going to try this recipe Cathy! This looks like a perfectly delicious tradition to start! I value my mother's handwritten recipes too. Nothing can replace those memories!

  33. How wonderful to have your mom's original recipe. It looks fabulous!

  34. Traditions like this one are meant to be kept and passed down. The stollen looks wonderful.

  35. That looks truley Gorgeous.. wonderful job on the challenge... Wish u and ur family Merry Christmas.

  36. Oh mercy!! This looks delish!!! I must try this. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. Love it:)

    Happy Holidays,

  37. Cathy,
    I'm still wading through the plethora of blog posts I missed while I was away and ran across this. I love old family recipes and have stashed a copy in my holiday recipes. It looks delicious!
    Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  38. i want a slice, even 2 for my breakfast !!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy