Sunday, October 10, 2010

Candy Corn Cookies

When my children were young Halloween was second only to Christmas in the excitement and anticipation it created.  Weeks were spent deciding on just the right costume and, back then, our local grade school  hosted a party where parents and children came in costume and bobbed for apples, walked the cake walk, and pretended to be scared to death in the haunted classroom down the hall.

You will know I'm no spring chicken when I tell you that we looked forward to the homemade treats that made their way into the bags of the trick-or-treaters on Halloween night: candied apples, popcorn balls, homemade candy and cookies.  Although the days of homebaked treats are long gone I still love to bake the beloved decorated sugar cookies for my family and friends. 

I have to be in the right frame of mind and have a block of several uninterruped hours to break out the powdered sugar, gel colors and pastry tubes, time that I didn't have last week, so I did a little web browsing with the hope of finding a good, festive cookie that didn't require such a time commitment.    I hit pay dirt when I found this recipe for Candy Corn Cookies at Bakedbree.  I hadn't visited this blog before and am so happy to have found it.  Nothing shouts out "Halloween" like candy corn and I thought the dough recipe looked like a good one so I gave it a try.  I couldn't be happier.

Candy Corn Cookies

1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 teaspoons orange zest
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
orange gel food coloring
yellow get food coloring
Sanding Sugar

Cream butter and sugar.  Add egg and orange juice and zest.  Mix well.  Combine flour, salt and baking soda, mix well, and add to butter mixture.  Mix until well combined.

Divide dough into 3 equal parts.  Add orange food coloring to the first part and blend well.  Add yellow food coloring to the second part and thoroughly blend.  Use enough coloring to make vibrant colors because they fade during baking.  Leave the third part plain.

Line a loaf pan with parchment paper.  Press the yellow dough evenly onto the bottom of the pan.  Press the orange dough evenly over the yellow dough, and press the uncolored dough on top.  Wrap the parchment paper over the dough and refrigerate several hours or overnight.

A loaf pan size wasn't indicated in the recipe so I used a 9"x5" pan.  The cookies are perfect to fill little gift bags and boxes, maybe two small bites, and next time I'll use a smaller pan to produce a larger cookie. There won't be as many cuts in a row, but they will be taller because of the smaller pan.  Just a thought.

When ready to bake cookies remove parchment paper and slice the dough into 1/4 in slices.  Cut the pieces into triangles (as shown in the photo), dip one side in sanding sugar, and bake on a parchment lined sheet at 375 degrees for 7 - 9 minutes.  The sanding sugar adds sparkle and crunch to the cookie and really dresses it up.  I found mine at a bakers supply store and have seen it at Whole Foods.

About a dozen cookies fit into these cute Halloween bags.  Tied with a festive ribbon, they are a delicious  treat for friends and coworkers.  I bought little truffle boxes at the local baking supply shop and fit 6 or 7 cookies into it nicely.  Who wouldn't love to receive this new version of candy corn on one of our favorite holidays of the year?  And they are a delicious little snack with afternoon tea.  I love this recipe!!!!


  1. These look so fun and delicious!! What wonderful treats for friends and coworkers!

  2. Cathy, these are little works of art! I made the round spiral kind this year. I wish I were a co-worker receiving a little box :) Joni

  3. Aren't these festive! Love this idea.

  4. What cute cookies! We won't have any little trick or treaters up here - but I always made homemade treats for the children we knew, just letting their parents know ahead of time and labeling them with my name.

  5. I love candy corn and harvest mix too. I haven't gotten to the store to buy any yet but I may have to just for a few pieces. Those cookies look so yummy. What luck for a co-worker to receive one of those packages.

  6. These are so fun and the kids would just love them! I remember the days when we still received home made treats in our decorated pillow cases!

  7. These are so cute! I'd love the orange flavor in these. I may have to make some to send to my grandson- he'd love them too!

  8. How festive and delicious looking!

  9. I saw these somewhere too and I thought they'd be difficult to make. But you make it sound (and look) pretty easy. Now I can't wait to make them.
    Thanks Cathy!

  10. Believe it or not, I'm still making Halloween costumes for one of my girls in her late twenties! Halloween culture is growing bigger each year and only lags Christmas in spending. These cookies are wonderful and very creative, Cathy! Love that happy skull ;)

  11. OMG, I want to make these! They're so cute! I bookmarked this for later use. Probably, trying it this weekend. Wow... I have to tell you Cathy, the top picture is hot! I saw some of them making this in candy last year but not cookies. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

  12. These are so adorable...I love them! Definitely saving this recipe, thank you :D

  13. Oh Cathy! Thank you so much for sharing this- my kids will LOVE these! I wonder if I have time to make some today so they find them tomorrow when I'm at the hospital? They've been so sweet and are so worried- I'd love to surprise them with these! Thank you!
    xoxo Pattie

  14. These are so cute. I'm printing them. If I get time, I'm going to make them for our halloween horse show!

  15. so pretty! will bookmark this and have fun one weekend:D thanks for sharing Cathy:)

  16. These are fantastic and a heck of a lot tastier than the real candy corn! :)

  17. Cathy, those are so cute and creative! My kids would gobble them right up.

  18. Oh Cathy!!! I ♥ your 2-bite sized ones even better than bigger ones. What an easy way to make these, too. I was pondering how I might try doing some. You have just simplified the process immensely. Thanks! (the g'kidlets will thank you, too)

  19. Halloween was the same with my kids. They still love all the homemade treat. These will be perfect to include in Mini Me's halloween care package.

  20. How adorable are these? Everything you do is done so well. I love visiting here and you are going on my blogroll today!

    PS: Your header is so fun.

  21. Wow! What wonderful cookies! I love them...great idea! Perfect Halloween treats...

  22. I'd love to find a little bag of these cookies in my Halloween treats! I'm hosting my Muse book group next Wednesday and am wondering if I could pull these together for them. I'll be mulling that over.


  23. wow these are awesome I must admit candy corn is a fab American candy

  24. They look wonderful! You did a great job with these, right down to the packaging!

  25. I missed this..My Blogroll halted this am..Thanks to Pattie I saw you had posted..I have seen this w/ cookie mixes..These look to be the bestest:)

  26. These are great! What festive and delicious looking cookies. Thanks for the excellent tutorial on how to make them. I will definitely put these on my list of treats to make for Halloween:)

    I remember candy apples and popcorn balls for Halloween too.

  27. Oh my, these are adorable! They'll be perfect at our Halloween party. Thanks!

  28. These are just so fabulous.. they would be a hit here with my children!!... and me!

  29. Oh my gosh! I just spotted these on Foodblogs! I love them!!!! I may just had to whip up a batch.

    Thanks for the fabulous idea!!!!


  30. These are adorable! I cruised over here from Pattie's Bramasole blog -- and am glad I did. Love the title of your blog. hee hee.

  31. I love these! I hope I have time to make them before Halloween.

  32. I adore sugar cookies! I just run out of patience cutting and frosting them. What a perfect solution you have found. I loved your step-by-step photos. It's given me confidence to make these. They're so festive and colorful-- and, they also look tasty. I love candy corn!

  33. These are so cute! I love your header photo. :)

  34. I think these are winners all the way. What a novel concept and how beautifully they came through! Precious cookies Cathy!!

  35. How clever is that! I love it. They are so pretty all wrapped in your very pretty packaging.

  36. Yeah, I remember the days when we got homemade goodies! And these are fabulous, Cathy, just fabulous! What says Halloween more than candy corns? These are perfect!

  37. Cathy, What a yummy post! I am thrilled you made these cookies for us.
    I'm sure they take a lot of time, but your instructions are so easy... I won't be stumbling and bumbling trying to figure out how to do them.
    I'm not much of a baker, but I do love to make cookies.
    Beautiful images, as usual.
    Thanks for taking all the time to make these Candy Corn cookies!!!!

  38. I just finished making 2 trays of your cookie recipe and they are adorable. I am freezing the remainder of the dough until I can go to WF tomorrow to buy the sugar crystals. Thanks for sharing.

  39. These are adorable! Who wouldn't love these as a treat.

  40. These are great Halloween cookies!!! So colorful.

  41. These look fabulous!! Love that ghosty container too!!

  42. Love it, Cathy! Going to make these for sure!

  43. Cathy...your friends and family are very spoiled with these homemade Haloween goodies. You just inspired me to hopefully get a chance to make these with my nephew who will go gaga with these fiesty, bright colors.

    Ciao for now,

  44. Whats to say that hasn't been said. So Sweet!
    Thanks for sharing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  45. These are one of the cutest things I have seen in a while!!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy