Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chocolate Hazelnut Meringues

When I really like something I usually have a number of recipes that use that particular ingredient or technique.  Meringue is a special favorite because it is so versatile, I love the texture, and it pairs so perfectly with fruits and cream fillings.  In the past few weeks I posted two of my favorite meringue desserts, Strawberry Hazelnut Pavlova Roll and PB & J Macarons, and here I am already posting a third meringue favorite, Chocolate Hazelnut Meringue Cookies. You can't have too much of a good thing...right?  You could use any nut, but I live in the middle of hazelnut country and they are my favorite.  I have a new blogging friend, Raina at The Garden of Yum, and this is just one of her many wonderful recipes.  These yummy cookies are so quick and easy to prepare and are light and crisp with a soft marshmallowy center that is flecked with chocolate and toasted hazelnut bits.  Raina uses chocolate chips, but I didn't have any so used a chunk of semi-sweet chocolate that I cut into small pieces.  I hope you will drop by her blog to say hello.  I know you will enjoy your visit.

Chocolate Hazelnut Meringue Cookies

2 egg whites
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon unsweetend cocoa powder
3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cups chocolate chips
3/4 cups lightly toasted hazelnuts, chopped

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Line baking sheets with parchment or wax paper.

In a large mixing bowl, beat together eggs, cream of tartar, salt, vanilla and cocoa powder until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.  Gently fold in chocolate chips and hazelnuts.  Drop by teaspoonfuls onto lined baking sheets.  Bake for 25-30 minutes until tops are lightly golden brown.  (I baked mine for 22 minutes).  Allow to cool for a few minutes on baking sheets.  Gently transfer to a wire rack.  Cool completely.  Drizzle with a little melted chocolate if desired.  Keep in a container that permits a little air to prevent them from getting too soft.

HELP ~ I NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS for ways to use LOTS of egg yolks that are left over from making meringues because I can't figure out what to do with them.  I've made lemon curd and puddings but I need some new ideas.  Please share your ideas because I just hate to toss them out.

I'm joining Ann at Thibeault's Table for this week's Saturday Blog Showcase.  This is an opportunity to share the wonderful recipes we find on other blogs and I always look forward to the recipes other's have chosen to share.  Won't you drop by to see who is participating this week?


  1. These meringues with the chocolate dripped on top are gorgeous. I could eat a couple for breakfast right now with a nice cup of dark coffee.

    I can't think of what to do with the left-over egg yokes off-hand, but I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Cathy I always make these for holiday platters- they are SO good. Meringues are fabulous in the summer with all the gorgeous Farmer's market fruits!
    xoxo pattie

  3. I like meringue cookies very much! These look really great. When I have yolks left over, I fry them up for my canine friend. He is my sous chef.

  4. Like you, I love meringues. They are just so versatile. I like this take with hazelnuts. You could use the yolks in molten hot lava cakes; they use a lot of yolks. Joni

  5. Such pretty cookies...and you can make cream puffs with the yolks. Also, they freeze well. I like to freeze them in an ice cube tray, and then after they're frozen, toss in a zip bag.

  6. Mmmmm..could see why these cookies are your favorite, they look so scrumptious! I hate to toss out yolks too so I just fry them and feed to the dog too:D

  7. OOOH those look delicious. I love meringues. I wish I had time to make them this morning. I would take some to work with me.

  8. These look delicious - love chocolate and hazelnut so it would definitely be a winner for me!
    Good Luck on using the yolks - have no ideas for you! :(

  9. Those look like just the thing to serve with a nice tart iced tea.
    I've made this recipe to use up yolks, but don't know where I've put the recipe - here's one from a website

  10. This is a new twist on something I love! I never thought about drizzling them with something! I do the same thing with recipes--I must have 50 cheesecake recipes!

  11. These look delicious! Maybe we need to come over and visit??? =o)

  12. These really look wonderful, Cathy. The chocolate and hazelnut combination is hard to beat. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. They are beautiful! I wish I could taste one!
    And I just noticed the pic of your Famous Choc Refrig Roll..I have to go check that out!

    Off to see the previous post, I am behind!

  14. Oh they look so good I want to lick the screen!

  15. In my opinion meringues are the perfect little treat with the much needed hint of sweetness without all the calories.

  16. Thank you very much Cathy for featuring my recipe and linking back to my blog. I am so happy you enjoyed the cookies. Yours look beautiful. I love the idea of drizzling them with chocolate!

    As far as the yokes go, I can never think of what to do with them either. I do not like to throw anything away.

  17. I like meringue cookies and with the addition of the hazelnuts and chocolate even BETTER!!!

  18. I've never made meringue cookies but I know this would be a sure hit with me and the kiddos. Delicious!

    Had a great time at the market today! ;)

  19. My old faithful Betty Crocker book has 2 cake recipes (New Gold Cake & Egg Yolk Sponge Cake) that use just the yolks. Yolks also make lovely, smooth egg custard or creme brullé :oP

  20. these are lovely. such a light and fluffy dessert.

  21. I love meringues, but have never made my own. I bet they are leaps and bounds above my icky store bought ones.

  22. These are great! They are just like my mom's Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies only with hazelnuts. Great idea!

    About the yolks, Sometimes I make a pudding or pie filling but lately I have made the sable cookie dough I used for my Broken Egg Desserts, a variation on the dough for Green Tea Sweets. It uses three yolks and makes a pretty cookie.

  23. What beautiful meringues (and I lovvvved that avocado, tomato sandwich too). Question: do the meringues soften up after sitting with the chocolate drizzled over them? Thanks

  24. Cathy, these sound delicious! Three things I love are chocolate, hazelnuts, and meringue! I can imagine how wonderful these would be! YUM!


    Sheila :-)

  25. Oh Cathy-- these are so on my list to try asap.. they look fantastic.. I have yet to conquer meringues.. wish me luck.

  26. Chocolate and hazelnuts are a perfect pairing on my tastebuds! This meringue cookies look beautifully tasty, Cathy!

  27. Hey Cathy, you could make my DH's aunt's Easter bread with those leftover yolks! It calls for 6 yolks & its wonderful!!

    Here is the link:

    Your meringue cookies are lovely. I've never even tried to make them. *sigh*

  28. I made the Strawberry Hazlenut Pavlova Roll for Mother's Day and it was a HUGE hit with everyone! These meringue cookies look divine too! Thanks o:)

  29. The yolks are my favorite part of the egg. What about an all yolk egg salad. Tradional type with mayo. Or a spicy one with spicy mustard, mayo. We even make a roumalade based egg salad and top salmon croquettes.

    Hollindaise sauce or egg fried rice.

  30. Hollandaise sauce uses egg yolks...lots you can do with that. THese cookies llok great. Can't wait to try them.

  31. What a fabulous little treat, Cathy. I have a problem though...Florida and meringues don't do very well together! Even in a sealed container. But I can sure look at them and drool!

  32. Oh those are absolutely scrumptious! I adore meringues of all kinds, one of the best things you can do with an egg white.
    Lovely blog and fabulous photos!

  33. These look and sound great! Now I'm going to head over to Raina's blog and say hello. :-)

  34. You know I had made these a couple of months ago but waited for the right moment to post it! Love that it is so light, just enough to satisfy a sweet craving!

  35. I've never made meringues before - these look so tempting!

  36. oh wow looks amazing great flavors and congrats on the saveur mention you deserve it


  37. Chocolate and hazelnuts are a perfect combination. And, I believe these are a dessert that can be enjoyed without guilt. Of course, I feel that way about all desserts. They nourish the soul!

    I've just left for "Mitford". Come join me.


  38. So pretty, and I know they are delicious! I could eat a plate full now I think!

  39. These look fab - I use the yolks for home made mayo.

  40. Beautiful! Pure decadence! Chocolate and hazelnuts are a heavenly combination. Can't ask for more!

  41. I've always wondered how meringues would turn out in our climate! Now I know they turn out wonderful! Plus, they are gluten free. YUM, YUM, YUM!


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed my blog and will leave a comment or two. And come back again of course ~ Cathy